The Problem With Your Trading System Is NOT What You Think

The problem with your system is NOT what you think.

You can feel that there's something wrong or missing with your system.

You know it's there, but you haven't been able to pinpoint it.

And you KNOW deep in your bones that if you could figure it out, that you have a pretty decent system.

And if you could just fix it, then you'd be okay.

Besides, you really don't feel like dumping a couple grand on a new trading system and spending all that time going through yet another learning curve.

I know how you feel.

Been there myself and been helping good people like you get their trading turned around for nearly 6 years.  I feel your pain.

These questions will help you begin to understand the real problem:

1.  Do you have your trading system written down?  Yes or No

2.  Is that what you use in your daily trading?  Be honest with yourself 😉

If you answered “No” to either of them, then here's the next question:

“If you haven't written it down or you're not using it, why not?”

Most likely this is where the problem begins because if you can't even write it down, how do you expect to DO IT consistently?

“Document your system” is an age-old trading wisdom for a very good reason.

…because before you will ever be able to trade consistently, you really do need to be able to write it down on paper.

Your documented system is your daily guide to trading, a functional tool to facilitate consistency.

[Sidenote:  this was hammered home for me in a HUGE way back when I started in Quality Assurance in a previous life – it really has a tremendous impact on consistency in performance]

Now don't feel bad.  Nobody told you.

No one ever told you that documenting a system properly actually involves a skill set beyond being able to read and write.

There is a very specific process for doing it properly and in a way that provides a daily trading guide that is easy to follow and lends itself to being traded well.

This is one of those things that nobody told you, so how would you know?

But now you do and this is just one part of the critical skill set that can fix your system and truly transform your trading – very simply and in just a few hours.

Use the link below to find out how YOU can acquire this skill set, become a whole new trader, and know a different life in your trading.

Check it by clicking here


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”

P.S.  Fix your system and change your trading experience starting right now, plus save a few bucks.  Use “SAVE50” to save $50!