That was part of the comment I received this morning about one of my most popular and favorite trading tools
Now, being a bit of a geek, i have to say, yes I'm a little bias
But I'm not the only person that completely appreciates numbers
Back in my Quality Engineering days, I had one customer Plant Manager comment that he loved SPC and metrics
Same goes for trading
When you KNOW realistically what the potentials are for your system – real world numbers – it can be a saving grace when otherwise your fears and anxiety would cause you to make bad decisions that you regret later
Having realistic expectations – in terms of numbers – is critical to keeping your cool and sticking to your system when you need to the most
That's one of the main reasons that ever since I created the Profit-Potential Calculator years ago, it's been tremendously popular
- Simple to use
- Let's you compare the ACTUAL performance of different systems
- All your meaningful and critical numbers print on ONE page
- Massive reduction of stress and anxiety
- No more going on false hopes
You'd be amazed how many people are trading with systems that just plain will NOT meet their objectives – but they don't know it and so keep getting disappointed and beating themselves up
So what's this “thing of beauty”?
Bob's full comment was
“The Profit-Potential Calculator is totally a thing of beauty.”
Now here's the really the cool part:
…you can normally only get this as part of the Trading Performance Analyzer, which sells for $67 (and is hugely popular too)
Here's how you can get the Profit-Potential Calculator FOR FREE
Simply register for and attend this powerful FREE online training class on CONSISTENCY, the number ONE issue for nearly all traders, from newbie to seasoned veteran
Very much worth your time – less than you'd spend on a football game or the average movie
Now is the time
P.S. Now is also the time to be making any significant adjustments to what you're doing with your trading if it's not working the way you want, while you have a few weeks before the holidays set in.
If consistency and predictability in your trading are important, then go here, watch the short video and then sign up for the free training