Trader Training – The Obstacle Blocking Your Success

Yesterday we explored how and why beliefs are HUGE when it comes to trading

Read it here

Today we'll look at one specific belief that right now is holding you back – and what you can do to finally move past it and start realizing substantial progress in your trading

This particular belief is a monstrous obstacle for many traders, and they don't even realize that this is the problem.

This is especially true if you've been trading for more than a few months or even worse if you've been trading for years, but still aren't where you want to be

Now, don't dismiss this when you hear it, thinking that it doesn't apply to you

In my experience of helping traders for over 11 years, I've found this to be the case the vast majority of the time

Unfortunately, people who are smarter than average, like most traders are and I expect you are too, fall prey to this

Oh, it also doesn't help that you've got a jillion system-sellers, brokers, and others in the trading space only further purporting this

Okay, so what is this belief that keeps you from moving forward, that keeps you stuck where you are?

“I know how trading works, and I know my system, so as a trader, I know all I need to know.

I just can't seem to do what I know I'm supposed to do.  I must be the problem.  I must have some underlying issue.

What I need to fix is ME.”

Does this sound familiar?

Have you ever had this thought run through your head?

Maybe you don't actually think it, but you feel this to be true?

If that's the case, then you are definitely NOT alone –  this is quite common among traders, particularly if you've been trading for a while and you're still not where you want to be

Again, if you're smarter than average, trading is pretty easy to understand.

  • You open your account
  • You get a system
  • You trade

The problem is, when you believe that you know all about something, your mind closes

And so if things aren't working as you expected (according to the thought process the bullets), then logic would dictate that the problem must be you

You don't question your system

You don't question how you go about your trading (except for focusing on being disciplined)

But is it possible…

…is it possible that perhaps as a trader, there is something that the successful professional traders know that you don't?

… is it possible that as a person, you're actually okay, and the reason you keep sabotaging yourself is because your subconscious knows that as a trader, you're missing something?

… is it possible for you to trade comfortably, without the doubts, fears, and the pain from past experiences regularly interfering with you, causing you to hesitate (yet again), move your stops, chase bad trades, or do other stupid things you know you're not supposed to do, but you keep doing anyway?

Yes, it IS possible.

If you had issues with discipline, money or success, you wouldn't be in a position to trade.

You've already demonstrated that you have what it takes as a person

So it's time to let go of that belief that as a person, you need fixing and as a trader, you know everything you need to know

If you already were the trader you needed to be, to be successful, you'd already be where you want to be

Focus on becoming the trader you need to be

That means opening your mind to the fact that your training to BE a self-employed, self-directed, independent trader might have been missing something

And in order for you to get where you want to be, you need to fill in the gaps

To learn what they didn't teach you

To learn the skills, acquire the understandings and perspectives that will make you into that successful trader

… that trader that trades fearlessly and with absolute security

The cool thing is, that as you develop and become a more capable, more skilled trader with deeper understanding, you as a person become stronger and more confident, as well as enjoying better results

So now the question is:

“What IS missing?
What do you need to know that you weren't previously aware of?

Tomorrow we'll get into that, so make sure to open the email when it arrives in your Inbox

Talk with you soon!


Brian McAboy
The Trading Consistency Coach