Brian here and I've got two rather nice goodies for you today.
1. From a respected colleague of mine is a brief yet very well-rounded questionnaire to help you build your personal trading plan.
It covers a lot of ground, yet is wonderfully concise.
Click here to download it directly- no optin required
2. The second is also related to the ‘big-picture' aspects of trading and deals with the “Important” yet rarely “Urgent” thus often neglected matters that have significant impact on your long term success.
Your time is nearly up to get two full months of the highly-acclaimed Trading P.I.T. Club (Professionals-In-Training) lessons – for FREE.
This is a very real $298 value!
The P.I.T. Club weekly lessons walk you step-by-step through the many considerations of building a successful and RELIABLE trading business.
In these lessons, you'll address the matters that most traders don't get around to addressing until they've been thoroughly beaten about the head and shoulders (and their account) by the markets long enough to truly treat their trading as a business.
So how do you get these two months of lessons for free?
They are yours as a bonus when you try out the Trading System Mastery Home-Study Program COMPLETELY RISK-FREE.
This training program is SO POWERFUL that it is even guaranteed to improve your bottom line by at least $1,000 a month – no kidding!
But time is running out for you to take advantage of this!
P.S. Seriously, which do you think is more likely to change your fortunes: Another system or training that makes YOU a significantly better, much more capable, and massively confident trader?