Trading as a Business – An effective method to help you realize your goals

Brian here with a few thoughts on how to support your efforts in 2012.

We all know the value of writing down goals and objectives, and that's the first part of today's exercise for you.

Step 1.  Clarify as best you can your top 3 goals for this year.

Step 2.  Write them down on a piece of paper.

Now we come to the second part of today's action and this can be very powerful in helping you actually reach your goals.

Publicly declaring them.

Once you declare your intentions and put your goals out there for the world to see, you now have also given your subconscious the message that you will not accept anything less.

You are making it clear and you are not just keeping it ‘your little secret' which can be easily dropped.

Now you have witnesses to your intention and that gives you mental leverage.

So your next action becomes easy.

Step 3.  Post your goals in a comment below.

Simple.  Powerful.  Now go do it.

Have a great weekend!



P.S.  Now is the time to do everything you can to further energize whatever motivation you have regarding your goals.

This Post Has 4 Comments


    My top 3 goals this year( I normally never make New Year resolutions),but I’ll try this?
    1) Getting a better than usual auto trading system to work

    2) Becoming much more focussed on my important goals and dropping most of the huge clutter of unnecessary things I let take up my time,

    3) Choosing and getting a manual trading system up and running successfully,from the so many that I have collected so far.

  2. Jim H.

    My top 3 are these:

    1. Get my trading under control and stop wasting time simply going from one system to another.

    2. Lose 30 pounds

    3. Run a mile in less than 7 minutes

    Simple enough? I hope so!

  3. 4xProfessor

    My top 3 for the year 2012 are:

    1. Devoting less time to trading than earlier.
    2. Making trading more meaningful.
    3. Giving more time to family.


  4. David eppel

    1. To continue to grow my account
    2. To avoid trading like an idiot-which means having a plan in place for when things go ‘wrong’ and as I am not a directional trader things are always going ‘wrong’ but usually to a very manageable and profitable degree.
    3. Seeking out equity trades using simple rules,looking for 5R trades.