Trading As A Business – Success Tip #5 for a great 2012

Brian here with Success Tip #5 – Decide right now to live your life on purpose.

Living on purpose means to give your life and the various parts of it very specific meaning.

It means that you will benefit greatly if you live and trade for something more than just ‘to make lots of money'.

It also means that you should understand something about yourself and your motivations.

I've been in this spot before too, so don't feel bad and definitely do NOT be offended.

But I've found that traders will generally fall into 1 of 4 groups:

Group #1. When you're in this group, you're very unhappy with your life and you are mostly just running away from it.

You don't know for sure what you want, you just know that “this isn't it.”

You're so highly motivated to get away from the status quo that you are easily sold just about anything that promises the escape, even if it is easily seen to be an unrealistic solution in retrospect.

Because of your near-desperation, you are also the most likely to be taken for a ride by the many scammers and charlatans in the trading space.

Group #2. When you're in the second group, you are still unhappy too, but you've made just enough progress to reach a point of tolerance.

You still don't know very clearly what you want, “this” still isn't it, and what you're doing still isn't making you happy, but things are tolerable, so you don't readily take action.

You've “tried and failed” with enough attempts and seen enough crap, that you are hesitant to believe that anything will make a real difference.

Your current situation isn't really working for you, but it does have an odd comfort and security in it, enough so that you usually opt to do nothing rather than change.

In this group, you are like a frog in the frying pan where the heat has been slowing turning up, so you are just waiting to die.  You are uncomfortable, but not enough so that you'll jump out and save yourself.

In group #2, these are the traders that often have their trading careers suffer a long, slow and rather painful financial death.

Group #3. The third group is significantly different.

In group #3, you too are not happy with your current situation, but you know where you want to be.

You've gotten clear on where you are going, and what you want things to be like when you arrive.

You have clear, measurable objectives, a time frame, and often a plan on how and when you'll get there.

When opportunities come to you, you can look at it and see if it matches up with your plan and your objectives.

This is tremendously freeing because now, instead of being so tempted and torn when the latest new system or gadget is being promoted and promising, you can quickly and comfortably see if it fits with you, and dismiss it without any issue and with minimum wasted time and energy.

You enjoy not having their time or attention sucked away by all the tempting but not-well-aligned distractions.

You can also see very quickly when something that will truly help you DOES fit with your plan.  You jump on it, benefit from it and feel good knowing that you've taken action, that you're one step closer, and that it was indeed a worthwhile move.

You continue to make progress because you know where they're going, what you need to get there and you easily recognize those things and acquire them without remorse.  You keep taking those necessary steps in the right direction.

Your decisions are fairly easy and you maintain momentum.

You are in this group temporarily, because since you are organized, you move fairly quickly into group 4.

Group 4.
You are now among the traders that have arrived.

You no longer spend all day wondering how you'll survive or if you'll make it.

Your time is spent exploring how you'll expand your trading profits, and how you'll spend your time with your family and personal interests.

You feel relaxed, secure and fulfilled.  You also feel generous, experiencing abundance and have the strong desire to help others.

My job is to help you get into Group 3 if you're not already there, and then as quickly as possible into Group 4.

What makes the Groups 3 and 4 different from the other two is living on purpose.

A large part of ‘Treating your trading as a business” is getting clear, as in Group 3, and then continuing as you move into Group 4.

You don't just happen along through life.  You give yourself direction and get clear on your purpose and what you are trying to achieve.

You don't have to be a maniacal Type A to do it.  It's about ending the waste, even if you choose to go at a relaxed pace.

Don't wait for next year.  Now is the time to begin.


P.S. It's nearly impossible to get into Group 3 or Group 4 without approaching the problem differently than when you're in Groups 1 or 2.  You can't just sit in the frying pan hoping for better while making no changes.

You have to do things differently to get different results.

And it all begins with YOU.

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