Of course you know how important it is for consistency to have your trading system documented.
Documenting things is a well-known Best Practice in the business world, and for good reason.
But have you ever sat down and tried to document your system, only to find it to be much more difficult than you expected?
Don't feel bad.
Even many professional traders that do very well often have difficulty documenting their systems.
Understandable too.
It's not like they teach this kind of stuff in school as we're growing up.
This is where I can help you – because this falls in my area of expertise.
For over 7 years, one of my primary responsibilities was developing and managing the Quality Manual (where all our systems were documented) for our plant of over 180 people.
Training, effectiveness, efficiency, consistency and problem-solving in all the departments were all in my area of responsibility as well.
In short, as Quality Manager, it was my job to make sure that everyone in the operation had the tools and the training to be very good at their jobs and to achieve consistent performance between people, shifts and from day-to-day and month-to-month.
And it all starts with proper documentation.
Unfortunately it seems that nearly everyone either neglects this or just overlooks it, which is a shame because a poorly documented system creates many problems – that traders mistakenly blame themselves for when in fact the problem is with their system.
Heck, I'm sure you've picked up a system or two along the way that sounded good at first, but when you went to actually trade with them, you found that they were lacking a thing or two when it came to executing them consistently.
But when you have a properly documented trading system, you feel calm and relaxed, and very confident in what you're doing.
Hesitation and other issues caused by doubt and anxiety naturally go away and your execution is as it should be because you've addressed the functional issues with your trading system.
When you know HOW to do it right, documenting your trading system is no longer a problem, and let's you easily tend to this matter that you know you should.
“The Success Engineer”
P.S. When you approach your trading the right way, you find that you don't have nearly as many discipline or ‘psychological' challenges – because you address the root causes of your fears and doubts.