Brian here with a a simple exercise you can use to get the new year off to a good start.
Pick one area and de-clutter it.
One of the more common reasons we feel so exhausted and overwhelmed by the end of the year is because of all the clutter we've accumulated.
That clutter can be in the form of tangible items around the house, office or trading area.
It can also be in our routines, like time frittered away with text-chatting, tweeting, facebook or email.
Sometimes it's the truly worthless TV programs we let ourselves get caught up in.
This clutter not only steals our time, energy and attention, it also often makes it difficult to function well with the important matters.
That's where simplification can bring tremendous relief.
It also frees up resources to pursue the more worthwhile things.
Heck if nothing else, perhaps you'll free up enough time to actually get that good night's sleep you've been yearning for!
A little de-cluttering can go a long way.
Pick an area and see what you can quickly eliminate, then pat yourself on the back (positive reinforcement for positive action).
P.S. This week I ‘ll send you some other tips that I've found useful for making daily improvements, making progress and sustaining momentum.