Trading As Your Business

In one of Robert Kyosaki’s books, I think it was Cashflow Quadrant, the title of the chapter was “Mind Your Own Business”

I thought that was hilarious because it’s a good attention-grabber that makes you stop and say “What?!?”

It wasn’t just for shock-value. 

His point in the chapter is that your investment portfolio, your business (if you have one), managing your assets, etc. – all of these things ARE your business, your personal business and you do need to mind them

And if you’re a trader, your trading IS your business and you should mind it like one

Now if you’ve heard the wisdom to ‘treat your trading as a business’ but you’re not sure what that actually means, then you’ll enjoy this video I made a while back

There’s no pitch for anything, just straight talk about how trading is a real business and what that means for you as a trader

Click here to learn more about how to treat YOUR trading as the business it is