Trading Coach – "I Won't Apologize"

If you're struggling with something (like trading), and I hurt your feelings a little when I tell you what you truly need to hear, well then, I won't apologize.

If your trading is not living up to your expectations, then it is because you're not focusing on the right things.

It is so easy to get distracted with the hundreds of different possible topics that exist within the occupation of trading.

In trading you have two main matters on which to focus, in order to be successful:

1.  You must get yourself and your trading operation organized so that you don't just chase profits (and your tail).

This is the business aspect of trading, and there IS a learning curve to it.

You are the owner of your own business now, and it won't run itself.

YOU have to do it, and how secure you feel about your business will be directly proportional to how well organized it is.

If you're not feeling very secure with your trading, then this is where you need to start.

2.  If you want to be paid like a professional, you must decide that you are going to become a professional trader.

This doesn't mean that you have to be all high-profile and in the news.

Being a professional simply means that you are going to become very good at what you do, KNOWINGLY very good.

Which for trading is much more than just following a system (so many out there make it sound like this is all you need)

Think about it:  when you're good at something, you simply don't have ‘psychological' issues.

You just do your thing, because you know what you're doing and you know you know.

This sounds like an over-simplification, but few traders actually focus on acquiring and developing the skills to become a professional trader.

It's not that hard when your attention is on the right things and you have the right help.

Oh yeah, that's another key:  pursuing and getting the right help.

Help that actually makes you a better, more proficient trader and business owner.
I do what I do because I see so many good people get into trading, only to find heartache and anguish because they don't have the help they need to make it.

I want to see you succeed and realize all that trading has to offer when done right.



P.S.  The better you make your business, the easier it is to run and the more security and freedom it will provide.  And it all starts and ends with you, as the owner/manager and trader in your business.

To become develop yourself into a a better owner/manager, click here

To become a better, more capable and proficient trader, click here