Trading Coach – Tip #2 for getting 2012 off to a good start

Brian here with Tip #2 to help you get 2012 off to a good start.

Day before yesterday I sent you Tip #1, a simple exercise which is very helpful.

Pick one area and de-clutter it.

Now that message spoke to physical areas, like your house, office or trading area, and also to your routines and how you spend your time.

Clearing away clutter helps by eliminating those things that take up your resources.

Today's tip is along the same lines, and has both impact both now and over the longer term.

Take out your “To-Do” list and your project lists.

Go through them and pick the most important Top 3 items, those that would have the greatest impact on your life, above all the others.

Choose those which, if 6 months from now you only got 3 things accomplished, these would be the 3.

Now take out a separate sheet of paper and write or type them out in large print and list only these 3 objectives.


As you go through your days, be aware of what you are FOCUSing on.  Of what you are spending your time, attention, energy and resources on.

Keep your focus, make some progress on the truly important matters and finally break the cycle of distraction, wasted time and remaining in the same spot month after month.



P.S.  Give yourself permission to reflect on what it will be like when you are making progress, how it will feel as the changes occur.  Be aware that some anxiety may come from the ‘newness' of it, and that it is ‘change'.  Allow as best you can to open to new possibilities, and to enjoy them!