Real quick message for you today.
There are only two ways you learn and grow.
Only two.
The first is when the outside world forces it upon you.
Usually, but not always through BAD experience.
Like losing $50,000 or $100,000.or more and jeopardizing your marriage and possibly your retirement
The second way is when you choose to learn and grow
You recognize that it probably would be a good idea, the wise thing to do
And you seek it out BEFORE the bad experience
Before things happen TO you
I encounter people from both camps
Some come to me saying they've blown up their accounts and need help getting things proper after having been slapped around pretty good by the markets for not giving trading the proper respect its due
Other people come to me recognizing the significance of the endeavor and seek to do it right the first time.
What I admire about both groups is that at least they are seeking help
They're not just going it all alone
They are looking to grow and become more, personally and professionally
And the markets will reward that kind of effort
If your trading isn't going quite as well as you'd like and isn't clearly headed in the right direction, what are you going to do?
If you prefer to have things happen on your terms, not when the outside world forces it upon you, click here to choose better
P.S. Part of taking responsibility for your life is recognizing that every day, EVERY day, you make certain decisions.
Like continuing down a particular path or choosing to take a different course of action.
Today you can choose to seek the learning and the growth that will get your trading working and serving you