Trading Methods and Strategies – Which is Your Favorite?

I’ve been having a rather lively debate with a trading colleague of mine over which is the better trading method.

To make things more fun and more interesting, I thought I’d take it to a select handful of my readers, which includes you.

So I just need to know, which is your favorite method/strategy in trading and why?

Down below, go ahead and add YOUR thoughts in the comments.

My personal favorite is the Andrews Pitchfork, also known in some circles as Swing Trading.

I like it for several reasons:

1.  It is based on what I consider to be a very sound reasoning.

2.  It is simple and straightforward

3.  It gives you a price target AND a time in which to expect that price to be reached
So which is YOUR favorite trading method / strategy, and WHY do you like it?

Take just a minute to add your favorite and why you like it below in the comments.


“Trading Turnaround Specialist”

P.S. This is just for fun, so join in!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Harold Washington

    When it comes to keeping risk minimized and still having the potential for big winners, you can’t beat options. I’ve been trading options for 20 years and until they change the game, options are the way to go for me.


  2. Chauncey Crisp

    About 3 years ago, I learned about Volume Spread Analysis and it was intriguing and for me, easy to understand conceptually, but not easy to trade. Once I got my head fully around it, which took almost a year, I’ve found it to be a very strong strategy.

    I like VSA because it is based on supply and demand in addition to price action, which makes complete sense.

  3. ug

    I like best 3SMA method. It is a trend following strategy with clear setup and entry trigger. The idea is to enter an established trend after retrace to DASR (dynamic area of sup and res. It helps me to keep dsiziplned. I you are able to wait for the setup to accure this strategy is able to make you profitbale.This is the way to trade . Like a sniper.

  4. Ron bowden

    I like to enter a trade following a pullback, but will wait until the prevailing trend has resumed and confirmed by increasing volume. Then use the most recent support and resistance levels for stop loss and profit targets. Unless I can see a potential risk to reward of at least 2:1 I will not enter.

  5. Anthony

    Hi Brian,

    After listening to Bob Kozak present the action reaction method using Andrew’s pitchtfork i was hooked. My reasons are all you have mentioned above plus;

    1. Entry signal and stoploss placement is clear. No second guessing the market. 2. This clarity makes money management easier

    Currently, I’m forward testing the method to give me a better idea on how it fits in with my objectives and trading operation.


  6. potla

    Good work, keep it up.