Trading Psychology – 2 Key Questions: 1 Rarely Asked, 1 Very Revealing

When traders contact me to help them get their trading turned around, I ask them some questions in order to diagnose their situation and give them the best help.

Now they of course have some questions too.

But there have only been a few people that have been bold enough to ask the REAL question that floats in the back of the mind of nearly all struggling traders.

For that one question that everyone wants the answer to but is afraid to ask, plus one question I've found to be very revealing, watch the short video below.

Click here to shorten your time to profitability



P.S.  Don't gamble with your trading future.  Get the help you need whether you get it at or from somewhere else, but don't just go it alone!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ho Thach

    I’ve been learning to trade by myself for 2.5 years, but the last couple months i’ve realized i have to learn thing one at a time. Now i have clear plan, i will focus on psychology, manage my business by establish consistancy of every day task, and trading system