Trading Psychology – 3 Big Aggravations You Shouldn't Tolerate

More than likely, you have 3 HUGE aggravations in your trading if you're like most traders –  and you should NOT tolerate these because they really are completely unnecessary.

The first (and in some ways, the most irritating) is knowing that there are people making it in trading, and they aren't half as smart as you.

– They haven't put in nearly as much effort as you.

– Haven't sacrificed as many evenings or weekends that could have been spent more enjoyably.

– Haven't tried nearly as many systems or strategies as you have.

– And yet, they're making money, relaxing when its time and feeling pretty good, while you're still beating your head on the rock and bleeding, and not getting nearly as much good sleep as you'd like.

The second is knowing that there are plenty of trading strategies and systems that are readily available to you, but you don't know how to find them, and even if you did, you don't have a process to know if it is one that would suit you well and actually produce the way you wanted

Well you could find out by just going ahead and trying it, but that kind of stinks too, huh?

And it doesn't help that it seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry has a system for sale, with everybody and their brother sending you emails promoting it.

Same problem:  “Does it really work, and even if it does, would it work for ME?”

No method to KNOW without trying it.

And if you say “No” then you're left toiling over whether you missed that “one system” that will fix all your problems just like they claim.

More aggravation.  More stress.

The third aggravation is probably the worst, because this one is simply being stuck in the same crappy situation of NOT having achieved what you originally got into trading for, and even after all the different things you've tried, all the effort you've put in, you're not getting there and you don't know what to do.

Personally I hate it when I'm stuck and at my wits end as far as what to do.

When I've tried everything I can think of and still not getting the results I want.

One thing I've learned over the years is that if I find myself unable to resolve a problem on my own and I've given it a decent shot, to be smart enough to seek out help and a different approach to the problem.

And it always seems that when I'm finally ready for the teacher, the teacher does indeed appear.

At that point all I have to do is be willing to accept the help that's being offered.

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“The Trading Turnaround Specialist”

P.S. Sometimes I'll get an email from someone that just has a hard time believing that nearly all their problems can really be resolved so simply, to which I reply,

“You're fully capable of making it.  Trading is NOT beyond you.  Just focus on the right things and you'll find that you've conquered considerably more difficult challenges in your life than trading.”

That's why I'm here.  To help you find that short and very realistic path.

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