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[Trading Psychology] A critical distinction most miss

Today you’re going to discover one of the most valuable lessons ever in trading

I watched a video yesterday on trading psychology and found that while it had several good points, it completely missed a critical, key distinction

The guy talked about how the psychology of trading is really the biggest and most important part

How everything is built on the psychology

And there is certainly merit to this perspective

He went on to talk about FOMO, revenge trading, and a handful of other commonly discussed issues

…but he left out a tremendously critical factor that matters even more, especially when it comes to the psychology and these challenges

Over the last 15 years, I’ve had tons of intelligent, successful, sincere, hard-working people come to me for help

They THINK that they have something wrong with them, because they just can’t seem to keep their emotions or themselves under control

I’ve heard it hundreds of times:  “What I need to fix is ME!”

But they’re wrong

They’ve already demonstrated all the characteristics needed to win at trading

  • They don’t have discipline issues
  • They don’t have emotional control issues
  • They don’t have some deep, psychological, “Mommy-Daddy” issues
  • They have lack-of-training issues

They’re trying to do a skilled job without adequate training on how to make it work

You see this is where trading gets SO MANY really smart people:

Trading looks simple, but it requires certain SKILLS


There is a HUGE difference between understanding HOW something works
and understanding how to MAKE it work

Here’s how the pyramid SHOULD look

If you’re trying to do a skilled job and you’re missing some of the skills, it’s going to be rough, stressful and NOT likely to produce good, consistent results

You can focus on psychology all you want, but it won’t fix missing skills

If you’re trying to trade and you’re finding it frustrating

if you’re had some periods of success, where things were working well, but then ran into other periods where it wasn’t working and you just struggled to make money

…and you couldn’t see how to get things on track, this is probably what’s going on

Here’s a simple truth…


Just because you’re very familiar with something and you understand HOW it works

…doesn’t mean you understand how to make it work

Even if you’ve been at this for years

For example,I know how the game of golf works, have for over 50 years

Doesn’t mean that I can put the ball in the middle of the fairway whenever I want, and I rarely 2-putt

Now I can go hack away at the local courses all day long by myself and maybe in 5-10 years I’ll figure it out and get to be a scratch golfer

Or I can hire a pro to show me the skills I need to make it work, and get there in a matter of weeks

With trading, I know how to make it work

That’s why I created Trading System Mastery

This is how you make trading work

  • how to choose the right strategy for your personality (without this, you’ll sabotage yourself forever)
  • how to properly systemize that strategy so that it is measurably predictable (this is how you achieve the ‘consistency’ part that you desire” – without this, your frustrations with inconsistency will never end)
  • how to properly test that system so you KNOW it works and HOW WELL it works, so you can trade with confidence (without proper testing, you’ll always have lingering doubts and again, inconsistent results)
  • how to adapt when things in the market change – in an organized and knowing manner (without this, you’re just rolling the dice and going on trial and error, which is the most costly way)

Make your trading life easy by getting the skills you need, the stuff nobody taught you

Besides, like most things, when you’re good at something, not only will you get better results, it’s just plain a whole lot more fun

And for this weekend, use the coupon code “ACTION100” and save $100

This is the best investment you can make – because when you invest in yourself, it pays you back for the rest of your life

Go here now and get it – you’ll be glad you did.  I guarantee it!


Brian McAboy

Trading Coach

P.S.  Just like anything else in life, the better you get, the easier things get

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Trading System Mastery gives you that confidence

The confidence that comes from being good at trading, knowing how to make it work

When you DON’T have that confidence, you’re highly susceptible to the emotional trappings of trading

P.P.S.  If you want the long version with LOTS of information about the training, click here.  Otherwise, if you want to get started now, click here