Trading Psychology – A Major Nemesis For Most Traders

As a trader, you've many feelings and emotions to deal with, including

  • Greed
  • Fear (a whole bunch here)
  • Hope
  • Despair
  • Hurt
  • Regret
  • Revenge
  • Anger
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Hopelessness
  • And a whole Pandora's box full more

But there is ONE stands out as the real Nemesis for
most traders…

… the one that keeps them ‘stuck' at that level of mediocrity
that is the slow death that lasts for years:

It's almost more like a terminal condition than a feeling.

And when you've got it, it can come at you from so many
different directions.

What really stinks is that when you're not aware of it,
it disguises itself as other issues.

You can attend to one symptom, think you've got it beat,
only to find it rear its ugly head as something else.

One cause, different appearances.

And it drive you batty because it never seems to go
away and your overall trading just never seems to
get where you want it.

So what is it and what can you do?

First thing is to sign up for the Trading Psychology Coach,
the trader's periodical that is designed specifically to help
you recognize and effectively deal with the tough challenges
that you have to deal with as a trader.

The second issue is about to be published and deals
directly with this ‘mental cancer' for traders.

Click here to find out more…



P.S.  Don't let this one factor stand in the way of improving
your quality of life through better trading.  When you remove
obstacles, progress becomes so much easier and more