Trading Psychology – Avoid the Top Success-Killer and Save $180!

There is a success-killer for traders, it's the #1 problem for nearly ALL traders, and the surprising thing is, you WON'T find it in any trading book.

Now don't feel bad, because this happens to a LOT of traders.

You've experienced this problem yourself a number of times, probably even recently.

You're fully aware of it when it happens.

You want to deny it, and even distract yourself in hopes that it will just go away.

And then you kick yourself later for letting it happen again, because you know both consciously and on a deeper level that you're paying a very high price when you allow yourself to do it.

What is this big problem and why does it happen in the first place?


There are a number of contributing factors:

  • information overload
  • negative self-talk
  • feeling ‘beaten down' from so many bad or mediocre months
  • you've gone through the cycle of getting all fired up about a new trading system you just bought, only to find out that it really doesn't work, at least not for you
  • you've got too many things going on and you wind up giving each only partial attention, and so you have a whole bunch of projects started, but not completed.

It's just so much easier to avoid the pressure of having to do something, even if it means accepting the ‘less than desirable' status quo.

But the problem doesn't really go away.

It always comes back to haunt you when you get to the end of yet another month without making the kind of profits that you wanted and you're looking at next month knowing that you need to do something, and then the cycle starts all over again.

So what can you do?

3 simple things:  Prioritize, Focus and take focused ACTION on the ONE most important item until it is completed.

Make that #1 item your top priority, and let everything else wait.

Now this is important, so listen up: make sure that your top priority is what will make TOMORROW easier and more profitable, so that when tomorrow comes, you're starting it a step ahead, not at the point you are now.

Too many traders are extremely short-sighted, so they only focus on making money today.

What happens?

Every day has the same starting point and no real progress is made, there never comes the day when the pressure is off because they never gave themselves the benefit of a head start by focusing on important matters rather than the apparent urgent ones.

Here is some direction to help you right now, and since Father's Day is this weekend, I'm going to make it even easier for you to take the proper action right now.

  • If you seem be to spinning your wheels and wondering around in circles going from one thing to the next because you haven't yet gotten organized…If you seem to have a whole pile of things that you know you need to do, then your focus is on clarifying direction, organizing your business, and assembling a business plan.

    To really give yourself some peace of mind and make tomorrow and the coming months easier and more profitable, then going through the simple process of getting yourself and your trading business properly organized in a step-by-step progression, with focus on one item at a time, is the best way for you to go.

    That's what the P.I.T. Club is all about:  taking you by the hand and walking you one step at a time through the process to eliminate the many issues that have been holding you back.  You'll give yourself direction, structure and best of all a real Business Plan for your trading business.

    Click here and Use coupon code: 9A62BBCD94 to save $180!

  • If your business IS organized and you DO have a business plan, but don't currently have a system that works, then your focus is on getting ONE system that works.  To do this quickly, take these three steps:

1.  List out your criteria for your system

2.  Begin the research for your system within methods that fit your criteria

3.  Take the FIRST system that meets your criteria, properly analyze it – with ZERO RISK –  verify and confirm that it works and works for you
Click here and Use coupon code:  56B25A258E to save $20!

4.  Master that ONE system

  • If you have a business plan and a working system, but are still find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again, then your focus is on identifying the triggers that are causing the emotional bad decisions.Quickly identify and eliminate the problems that are causing you to repeatedly create losses with The Trader's Guide to Emotional Management.

    NOTE:  only get this if you have already confirmed your trading system!

    Click here and Use coupon code:  70C634E470 to SAVE $30!

Remember, the question to be asking is “what should I be doing right now to have the biggest impact on my trading – tomorrow and next month?”

Follow the steps above and FOCUS on that ONE thing.

Stop wasting time and start making real progress by taking focused action right now.



P.S. Time is money and I'm sure you DON'T want to keep going through the cycle of procrastination – no results – regret.

Procrastinate next year after your real issues are behind you.  Take action today and feel good about it!