Trading Psychology Coach – Questions and Answers

Brian here and I've been getting tons of email from people who are excited about the Trading Psychology Coach, but wanted more info.

I wanted to make sure that I answer the questions for everybody, so just in case you had the same questions, I decided to send you this.

The most common questions I've been receiving are:

1.  “How do I know this will help ME in my situation?”

Answer:  The Trading Psychology Coach is the product of my own experience through the learning curves of becoming a trader, plus I've helped hundreds of traders work through a wide variety of issues.

You may feel very isolated at times in your trading and it's not uncommon for traders to wonder if others are going through what they are.

While everyone is a unique person, the challenges encountered by traders are not uncommon.  The path to becoming a consistently profitable trader has common pitfalls, trials and milestones, and the lessons learned are often similar as well, so yes, you are VERY LIKELY to find help for YOU in your situation.

2.  “Is the Trading Psychology Coach just for beginners?  Or is it only for experienced traders?”

Answer:  The Trading Psychology Coach is for traders with at least 2 to 3 months experience.  If you're an absolute rank beginner, you may still be stuck in the mindset that would have you dismissing the lessons and the consequences for ignorance.

3.  “Am I being obligated to a long-term arrangement?  I have a thing about signing up for anything with recurring billing.”

I can relate to how you feel, but you are safe here.

One of the main reasons that this is a periodical is to give you on-going support for better trading.

I see it all the time where people will spend $4,000 to $7,000 a year for new trading systems or software that only perpetuate the up-down cycle.

Worse than that, they put on their credit card and wind up with a monthly payment in the hundreds of dollars – and little to no results to show for it in their trading.

The Trading Psychology Coach is a small investment with a high return.

Greater consistency is one of its primary functions, along with keeping you on an even keel and providing on-going support for the greatest factors in your results:

…your decision-making and your timing.

These are the mental and emotional aspects that the Trading Psychology Coach is designed to help you with.

If you wait it will cost you…

It is so easy to make costly mistakes or errors in judgment in trading that continuing to trade without thise help is just asking for trouble.

Plus, right now you also have the opportunity to get in at the introductory price and get two special bonuses, but you have to act before this offer comes down.

Click here to find out more…

