Trading Psychology – "Disciplined Trader" Bonus Only Found Here

Now is the time, and through my link ONLY should you get the “Disciplined Trader” course.


Permanent versus temporary.

Because you want to attend to your discipline challenges permanently, not temporarily.

In order to permanently fix a problem, you have to truly understand what's causing it.

If you only treat the symptoms, then the problem is likely to come back again at a later time.

In my experience helping traders over the last 5 years, I've found that
‘discipline' problems are more of a practical matter than a psychological one –

…and almost always related to doubts regarding one's trading system.

When you have a solid handle on something, when you've mastered it, you just don't have discipline issues.

When the pressure is on, if you DON'T have it truly mastered, that's when doubts and fears come in and mess with you and create the ‘discipline' issues.

Well-founded confidence trumps doubt and fear every time.

When you fix your system issues and establish a truly solid confidence in it (by using the correct process of course), that's when you can make those huge steps forward in your trading.

Now does this fix EVERYTHING?

Only about 95%

There may be a some lingering associations, patterns and conditioned responses from the past, but once the real source of the problem is addressed (again, solid confidence in your system), then these can be put to bed for good.

This is where Norman's course comes in.

Here's how to get the complete solution.

Signup for The Disciplined Trader Course using MY link below and I'll give you access to the Trading System Mastery Home-Study Program as a bonus.

This way your discipline issues will be tackled completely and permanently!

Of course, if you have any questions, just let me know.

