Trading Psychology – Don't Let Your Ego Trick You Into This Huge Mistake

In trading, your ego can be your nemesis if you aren’t aware of how it tricks you, particularly into one HUGE mistake I see traders make all the time.

Now you already know about some of the tricks it plays.

Like when the markets hand you a few losers that really hurt s now your ego prompts you into wanting revenge, as if there were someone that you could ‘hurt back’, and then feel better.

Or when you hit a nice string of winners and your ego gets you thinking that luck is on your side or somehow that you’re now somewhat invincible

So your ego tricks you into ignoring your better judgment and doing things you later regret.

Like taking trades that you know you shouldn’t, but they satisfy your ego and its collection of emotions.

Oddly enough, this ‘game’ that your ego plays is one that sucks for you, but it weirdly fun for your ego.

Now that’s how your ego gets the better of you one level.

One of the worst tricks it plays though is on a whole different level.

And it uses this one to perpetuate the others it plays on you.

You’ve put in tons of time, spent tons of money and mental energy trying to get your trading working the way you want, and still your trading results are less than satisfactory.

The ‘problem’ of trading not working consistently and reliably seems SO big and SO difficult.

After all, how can such a BIG problem have a relatively small solution?

No way!

So your ego makes sure that you chase BIG solutions.

It keeps telling you that you need that $2,000 trading system and the box of 500 hours of video on DVD to tackle a problem

Your ego tells you that because IT would feel stupid if a simple and relatively easy solution came along that actually turned things around.

So it tricks you into a HUGE mistake.

Your ego causes you to reject and deny any answers that just don’t seem big enough.

But you don’t have to keep listening to your ego – and staying stuck where you are.

There IS a straightforward, business-like and very sensible way to get your trading working the way you’d like.

Now understand though, this is NOT the same old, same old.

This will change YOU into a whole new trader, making for a permanent difference in your trading.

And right now you can save 70% on this powerful, life-changing training.

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P.S.  Don’t let your ego trick you into avoiding a simple, sensible and effective solution to get your trading working.

Be open to the possibility of your success, even if it’s been a long hard road and lack of success has become what’s normal.

Success is finally within your reach!

Click here right now to begin establishing a new ‘Normal’