Trading Psychology – Free Discipline Boosting Audio Downloads

Of the 157 comments I posted about Norman and Tisha Hallett's new 3-Minute Audios on Trading Discipline, this one really jumped out at me written, by a trader Paul-Guy…

“I've done all those stupid and costly mistakes. Since Sept. 19, 2008 my total losses amount to $16,000+ USD. I do need somebody's urgent advice. My main weaknesses are pulling the trigger, getting excited when the market go my way, and hoping for a reversal if the market does not go my way; the market doesn't care about my silliness and IT wipes me out each and every time I don't listen to IT. One last weakness and probably my worst is overtrading. Definitely, I need to be more disciplined!

Tisha is welcomed to deliver more of those valued nuggets.”

In Paul's quote, he expresses a lot of the frustration shared by many, many well-intentioned traders.

But good intentions don't make it to the bottom line.

Solid trading discipline does.

If you haven't heard Hallett's 3 short audios, you should right now.  As Paul-Guy says, they're valuable “nuggets”…

Click here

To create these audios, 1772 traders were polled, asking to reveal their most pressing “trading discipline issues”.

The 3 most common “discipline issues” that were expressed, read…

=> “I did it again! I had all this profit and just gave it all back AND MORE in one UN-disciplined trade. How do I stop these debilitating “Blowout” trades?”

=> “I'm hesitating to Pull the Trigger when my trading plan signals me to.  How can I become more consistent in following my trading plan?

=> “I'm having trouble taking my losses. Can you tell me how to stop this destructive practice?”

The 3 short audios you'll be downloading, take each of these issues HEAD ON.

So, don't hesitate on this one or two day offer.

To get complimentary access to these 3 powerful 3-minute audios, you'll have to move on it today.

It'll just take you a few seconds.  Here' the direct access…

Click here


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”