Is self-sabotage hurting your trading?
Have you ever done something that you KNOW you shouldn’t, it goes south like you knew it probably would, and the whole time you’re watching yourself do it, wondering WHY???
If that’s ever happened to you and you’d like to prevent it from happening again, then perhaps I can help you.
In my report, “Enough to Be Dangerous, What You Don’t Know Can and Will Hurt You In Trading”, self-sabotage is a main topic of discussion, helping you understand why and how it happens, so you can do something about it.

Get the report by clicking here
If you already have that report, and want more specific information on how to take control of your trading outcome, so that you’re not subject to the market moods or your subconscious, then perhaps the presentation I just created will help you.
One of the great things about taking control of your trading is that you get to schedule your “arrival”, that point in time when you achieve success, when you reach your goals.
Unlike traders that leave their trading fate to chance, never knowing if they’ll EVER make it, you can take control of your trading outcome and decide WHEN.
P.S. Both the report and the webcast are free, so help yourself to them right now! You WILL gain some helpful insights into your trading!
P.P.S. If you’ve already read the report and/or seen the presentation, please send me your comments, good or bad! I welcome constructive criticism, as it helps me improve, and if you’ve found them helpful, those comments are welcome too!