Trading Psychology – On Self Sabotage

it is on a matter very important to you as a trader: self-sabotage.

So many of the day-to-day difficulties in trading are blamed on the markets, emotions, the trading system you got a month ago that had so much promise, a lack of discipline, etc.

There are quite a few apparent causes, at least on a conscious level.

Unfortunately, self-sabotage usually only comes up in retrospect, after the account has been blown up and nearly all your capital lost.

The common notion on self-sabotage is an accurate one:  that your subconscious is going to “correct” any significant success you experience if it deems that you don't really deserve it.

This happens a LOT.

Subconsciously, you're aware that you weren't really properly prepared to be a truly independent, self-employed trader.

For most traders, the preparation was lacking considerably, limited to primarily just learning a system and that's about all.

Most traders begin knowing little more than ‘enough to be dangerous' and unfortunately you're left to figure the rest out on your own

And it is an easy mistake to make.

After all, trading does appear very simple on the surface.

But there's more to being a trader than just placing trades.

And until you learn the other things that are part of it, your subconscious is going to keep kicking at your feet and knocking you down every time you seem to be getting ahead.

Now most traders are aware that they are missing ‘something', but they don't know what.

One of the several matters needed is how to be consistent.

In my years as a Quality Engineer, I learned that there actually is a science and a process to making it happen.

If you'd like to finally learn what's been making your life so difficult, and how to move past it step by step, I'm holding a free training webinar that will show you.

If learning the true and sensible shortcut to quickly achieve consistently profitable trading, without changing systems or having to rely on discipline, this is your chance…

Click here to register for this free training

It's free and you'll be glad you did!



P.S.  When you attend to the things you've been missing, and you become a complete trader, then your subconscious will leave you alone!

Discover consistency and end self-sabotage

One of the great things about this is that you'll have more than just ‘discipline' to achieve the consistent results you desire