Trading Psychology Overlooked Topic: “Getting Stud”

Today I’d like to share a matter within the realm of “trading psychology” that I’ve not heard discussed elsewhere

When my son Max was little, he played T-ball and his coach had this term for certain players

See how this relates to trading and see if it pertains to you here



Brian McAboy
The Consistency Coach

P.S.  Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you make more money and more consistently with your trading

1.  Grab a free copy of my latest ebook

In it you’ll discover the 3 specific hidden obstacles keeping you from enjoying consistent that you are currently NOT aware of, and what you need to fix the problems so you can get on with consistency and profit in your trading –  click here

2.  Join the “Consistent Profits Club”

Get a massive collection of free trading tools and resources – click here

3.  Check out the “The Science of Consistency Applied to Trading”

This is the recording of a masterclass I did a while back that shows you how to take advantage of the success secret being used in other industries – and how you can use it in your trading to maximize profits and peace of mind – click here

4.  Get my personal help with your trading

If you’re tired of going it alone and you’d like my help with your trading, especially consistency, book a call with me by clicking here