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Trading Psychology: Self-sabotage sucks. Here’s how to beat it

Sabotaging yourself sucks

I know that when I used to fight self-sabotage, I HATED it

Here I am, having a good week, up a decent amount, and then come Thursday or Friday and I start acting like an idiot

I’m doing all kinds of stuff I know I’m not supposed to do

  • Chasing trades
  • Jumping in on moves that have nothing to do with my strategy
  • Staying in trades that I know aren’t going to turn around
  • Not entering a stop because I’m “going to watch it”
  • and all sorts of stupid things where I know better

but I’m doing them anyway

…watching myself hand back the profits I’d made earlier in the week

…and then some, making it a net loss for the week

This isn’t just a simple lack of discipline

It’s way beyond that

This is something besides my conscious mind in control here

Consciously, I KNOW better

Yet it happens anyway
Perhaps you can relate

Perhaps you know what it’s like

and how it leaves you feeling about yourself afterwards

The self-doubt

The embarrassment

The regret

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

This Wednesday, June 7, there is an event you don’t want to miss (we had to reschedule from last week because Louise got sick)

Louise Nonweiler and I are hosting a LIVE, online masterclass together

“Self-Sabotage to Trading Success”

What you’ll discover in this Masterclass:

  • Self-sabotage: the real reason why it’s so tough to simply do what you’re supposed to do and NOT do the things you shouldn’t
  • How your subconscious operates and why it makes you give your profits back when you start to get ahead
  • The MAIN REASON why you can be massively successful outside of trading, but still get your butt kicked as a trader
  • The two primary areas on which you should focus to move from self-sabotage to trading successfully

Register here now

See you there!
Brian McAboy
“The Consistency Coach”
Host of the “Consistent Profits Podcast
“Focus on consistency first, because when you have consistency, profit is easy”