Trading Psychology Training – A Very Simple Exercise to Train Your Subsconcious

Just yesterday I had one of my clients ask a GREAT question while we were talking about overcoming the challenges related to simply doing what you know you're supposed to do.

Here's his question:

“Brian, do you have any NON-trading related exercises that I can do, in addition to the others you've already given me?”

So I share with him one of my favorites, which you can do any time, any where and for any length of time you choose, plus it is wonderfully simple.

Here's how it works:

Very consciously, you decide to do something very simple – and preferrably physical.

Then you do it.

Then you choose another very simple thing to do, then do it.

For example, you might decide to raise your right arm.  Then after making the decision to raise your arm, you raise it.

Then you decide to look at a particular picture on the wall, and then you look at it.

And so on for as long as you like.

The purpose of this exercise is to CONSCIOUSLY decide to do a thing, then you follow through with it.

This gets you in the habit of making decisions, and following through, while being very conscious about it.

This also trains your subconscious to stop doing everything on ‘autopilot' and to start paying attention to your conscious decision-making.

More to come soon…

Have a great weekend!



P.S.  For an in-depth look into how to put your frustrations behind you, click here to watch this webinar recording that covers a lot of ground on the matter.  You'll gain some very useful perspectives that help you see what to do to address your current struggles.