Trading Psychology – Using Your 3 Powers For Better Trading

Many traders look at the fact that they’re human as a disadvantage or liability in trading, since humans have emotions and emotions are often the cause of poor trading.

Many think that it would be good to be like a machine: set your rules and follow them like a robot.  In this regard, yes machines or computers would have the advantage in that they are emotion-less.

But as a human, you also have powers available to you that a computer just doesn’t have, and if you’ll put them to use, you can give yourself a huge edge in your trading.

Here’s the video,

Your ability as a human may have its down-sides in that you have the ability to feel, but you also have the most powerful computer on the planet, so use your powers and trade better.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!



P.S.  Oh and just in case you missed it yesterday, from now through December 25th, 2008, you can save 20% on anything from Inside Out Trading.  It’s our “Twas the week before Christmas Sale”, just to make it easier to give yourself the gift of better trading.

Here’s the poem and the coupon code to use,


Twas the week before Christmas
and ’09 is now near.

These last couple months
made ’08 quite a year.

In times like we’re in
one thing is the same,

Trade well and keep  cool
is the name of the game.

What markets you trade
doesn’t matter it’s true,

Your profits all come
from one source – and it’s you.

The better you trade
the more money you make.

Education is key
and n’er a mistake.

To help you with this
and to save you some dough,

Take 20% off
with the coupon below.

The holiday season
is time to prepare

With good books and resources
that were created with care.

I hope you enjoy
this holiday respite

Good trading to all
and to all a good night!


Use the coupon code below to save 20% off anything and everything at Inside Out Trading from now through December 25th.

Coupon code = 8B960879A9

For traders that want:

To get a handle on your emotions,

The Trader’s Guide to Emotional Management

To understand the obstacles that are holding you back from profitable trading,

The Subtle Trap of Trading

To make measureable improvements in your consistency, confidence, discipline,

The Trading Performance Analyzer

To become a true professional in the business of trading (covering all the bases),

The Trading P.I.T. Club, featuring “Smart Trader Training”

Or for personal one-on-one coaching with me to address particular emotional challenges,

One-on-One Coaching with Brian

I wish you and yours the best for the holidays and the coming year!