Trading Psychology – Week of Inspirations – Monday

Yesterday, I had the good fortune to have the leader of the church where I go share some very uplifting and inspiring quotes.

When I got home, I looked up a couple of my favorites, one of which is from 1998, when I moved from Kansas City to Denver and was going through a particularly rough personal time in my life.

On the wall of my office when I got there was the perfect Successories (remember those?) poster, nicely framed.

I haven't been able to find the original, but here is the essence of it:

A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.

It reminded me on several occasions to go with the change in which I found myself, even though it wasn't pleasant, and that as long as I could make the turn, I'd be okay.

Trading can be rough, and I am grateful for the inspiration I received, so I am making this week about paying it forward to you.

Each day I'll send you a different inspiration, and I hope that each contributes to your day.

