What do YOU want right now?
I always find it interesting how people want different things depending on where they are with their trading and what's been happening lately
Everyone wants to make money.
That's a given, but often there is also something else that rates just as high and sometimes higher
Some want to be free of the stress
Some are tired of fighting fear all the time
Some want security
Others want a system that they can rely on, because they've lost faith in what they've got
Others still want someone they can turn to when they have questions or need help with a particular challenge, someone they can trust to be of genuine help and not screw them over
It comes as no surprise when I ask a new client,
“What is your top priority right now? What is the main thing you want to come out of this with?” |
…and their answer is, “I just want to have some confidence in what I'm doing and in myself.”
When I ask them to rate where they are right now, they usually say they're at a “1” or a “2” because they've been just so beaten down
Pretty much anyone that's been trading for any length of time knows what it's like to have your confidence and self-esteem just crushed to near nothing
So what do YOU want right now? What is your ‘main thing' you want to achieve with your trading, besides making money
If you would, leave a comment below with what YOU want right now
I just want to stop losing money. I’m so tired of trying this and that and none of it seems to make me money, only lose.
Yeah, for me it’s confidence. I feel like I just can’t win no matter what I do.
I want to feel some security in what I’m doing. Even when I win a few trades, it’s like I’m just waiting for the losing streak to come where I hand it all back.
Call me greedy. I don’t care. I just want to make some money!!!
Stop losing money.
I just watnt to find a good system to trade with i can make 100 a day
A broker I can trust. Tired of being screwed over and them taking all my money. Lost over 50 grand to those SOB’s in the last 4 years and can’t do a thing about it