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[Trading Psychology] When the problem isn’t just one thing…

In the first couple messages in this series, we've looked at behavior-specific challenges and two different aspects of the issue.

You can read them here and here

In today's review, we'll look at the situation where you're struggling with your trading, but it's not one specific action, behavior or circumstance that's giving you trouble.

Today, we'll look at what could be going on when you're just “stuck”

Switching systems doesn't seem to help.

You may have dozens of systems on your hard drive

Maybe you've had some success in the past, but in recent months, you just can't seem to get past breakeven

In this situation, you need to look at some of the non-obvious and perhaps even counter-intuitive possibilities

Today, we'll look at one of these and in the next message, we'll look at another common, but not-obvious cause

Sometimes, you're being held back simply because you've gotten so used to this mode of operation

It's not ideal for sure, and NOT what you say you want…

But there's a part of you that feels very safe and secure here

And the thought of what life would be like WITHOUT the current struggles and issues can be scary

I remember when I used to smoke cigarettes years ago

I knew 100% that I should quit and I wanted to

But it was part of my daily life

And the prospect of life WITHOUT that brought up anxiety in me

It's NOT rational

But it happens

So one thing you can do is explore what comes up for you when you envision your life WITHOUT your trading as it is

Take note of any discomfort that arises, any anxiety

Simply taking this first step and becoming conscious of the underlying fear of change can bring relief

Give it a try and in our next session, we'll look at another possible cause of your difficulties


Brian McAboy
Trading Coach

P.S.  If you want don't want to wait for the other lessons in this series and you're ready to get past some of the obstacles that have been holding back from success, here are a couple resources that will give you understanding and actions to take

Click here to check out the “Trader's Guide to Emotional Management”

Click here to check out “Getting Your Mind Right For Profitable Trading” online video course