I see it all the time, traders feeling like they should be doing better than they are.
They rightfully feel that it shouldn't be taking this long.
They're also all bunged up about the fact that they make what appear to be stupid mistakes over and over.
Another common situation is struggling with hesitation and other perfectly natural emotions for a person to experience.
There is really nothing wrong with these people at all.
They don't have any psychological issues,neuroses, discipline issues, or other ‘problems'. Again, there is nothing wrong with them at all, nor their systems necessarily.
It is the situation and how they are proceeding through it.
Whenever you are put in a circumstance where you are having to take in and assimilate a significant body of knowledge, this takes time.
Plus when you are learning and developing new skills, this too takes time, practice, and other things to get to the point where you are comfortable and operate proficiently and consistently.
So for a reasonable period of time, you should be patient with yourself.
But not forever.
After a certain point, you're not really learning anymore, you're just wasting time because you're not moving forward.
Okay, then what is a ‘reasonable' period of time?
Some people will tell you that it takes 5-10 years to become a proficient trader.
In my opinion, that's way too long to wait.
Besides, learning the skills of being an independent trader shouldn't t take that long long unless you're doing it the hard way.
If you've been trading for more than 6 months and you feel like you're largely chasing your tail and still a long way from where you want to be, then it's time to stop being patient with yourself.
It's time to stop and reassess how you're going about this pursuit.
The problem for many is that they don't have a plan or a process on how they'll get themselves organized and developed into that highly competent trader and owner of the trading business.
Then they wonder why they're still fighting the same issues, even after logging a few years in as a trader.
They never got properly organized to get through the learning and development curves, nor in a timely manner.
– and so they get kind of stuck at a point of survival but not really succeeding.
Does any of this sound familiar?
That's why it is so critical that you treat your trading as a business, including putting together a REAL and working Business Plan – to make sure you get there and in a timely manner.
When you have a process to follow, you can experience the quantum leap you desire in as little as 60 days – instead of months or years.
When you're ready to make sure you get there, click here
“The Trading-As-A-Business Coach”
P.S. If you don't want to stay stuck just treading water, then do what you need to to actually take it to that next level. Don't just keep doing the same things.