Trading Psychology – Who's Really Controlling Your Results?

Who is really controlling your trading results?

Your first reaction is probably to say, “I am”

Or perhaps “the markets”.

Maybe the market movers or brokers.

But is it possible that there is another answer?

One that is closer to home and one that you can influence?

AND the One that has the greatest impact on your results

Now don't jump to conclusions – you'll miss your opportunity for the new perspective.

This is the thing that also runs most of your life.

Every single day, too.

Most of the time, you aren't having to think about how to do 99% of the things you do during the day.

You're running on auto-pilot.

Your subconscious is running the show, the “you” behind the scenes and below the surface.

The “You” that can handle a million details and keep things running.

The “You” that drives the car while you ponder other matters, then don't even remember the drive home.

It's taking care of everything below your conscious level of awareness.

Your subconscious is keeping you safe.

It also makes sure that everything lines up.

Especially your results.

It makes sure that your ‘world' lines up with “who you are”.

It makes sure that you are getting what you “deserve”.

If you are skilled, properly equipped and well-trained for something, it will allow and support your success.

But if you are NOT properly prepared, it will keep sabotaging you and putting you back to “where you belong”.

And it will continue to do this even if consciously you want something different.

How to end the conflict and win the battle.

The way to affect this conflict is to focus on two things,

  • Understanding
  • Skills

You have to become the type of trader that your subconscious knows is ready and deserving of success.

Only then will it support you and stop sabotaging your efforts.

Best of all, you'll consciously know it.

Your anxiety and doubt will be gone.

You'll KNOW you're ready.

And it will happen – very naturally.

So the question then becomes,

“In what areas do you need training, to become the deserving trader?”

I hope this helps.



P.S. Perhaps understanding your trading system and how it affects you would be helpful at this time.

Click here to see how

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nicholas

    Hi Brian;

    Your ideas and method of trading are very interesting.

    So, how do you deal with high frequency trading by the Insiders who unexpectedly spring these sort of sudden movements in either direction – resulting in immediate losses for us humble plebians out here..???

    Thank You;
