I know how discouraging and isolating trading can get, but don't give up.

In the book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, (GREAT book by the way), the first chapter talks about how everything begins with belief.
Without belief in your project or cause, you'll never realize it.
Without belief in yourself, you'll easily give up when things get challenging.
But when you believe in the possibility of accomplishing something worthwhile or even great, and you believe it “down in your bones”
And you believe in yourself enough to know that you can do it,
Anything is now possible.
Never give up on yourself.
Never give up on the things you're doing for others (like trading, for your retirement or your family).
I know you can.
The simple fact that you've made it this far and even SHOWED UP in the world of trading demonstrates that you have what it takes.
If you're having difficulties getting your trading working, it is NOT because you lack the ability, aptitude or any other personal characteristic.
Contrary to popular belief, even discipline isn't your problem.
You're not a wildly random, reckless and undisciplined person.
I'm sure you handle many things in your life just fine, and you've managed discipline with enough of the right things to get yourself into a position to trade.
What's been missing is certain know-how, tools or processes specific to trading.
It is extremely rare for anyone to get complete and adequate training to become a fully self-sufficient and truly independent trader.
Most training people get focuses only on a specific method and usually is missing A LOT.
Once you acquire the missing pieces to the puzzle, you'll find that trading profitably really can be fairly straightforward.
Well trading can be 1-2-3 simple.
- Get your mindset right, and understand some of the B.S. that's gotten you in the mess you're in now.
- Make sure that you have a real edge, a trading system that you can rely on to deliver consistently (secret: you MAKE a trading system reliable – they don't come that way on their own).
- Manage your emotions by gaining understanding of how your mind works, tools to deal with specific situations, and healthy perspectives to keep things from becoming a problem in the first place.
When you do this, you move leaps and bounds toward your goals of productive trading that gives you financial security and peace of mind.
To help you with this, I've put together “The Successful Trader's Starter Kit”,

which you get by clicking here
You owe it to yourself to make your trading life a little easier.
Get the missing pieces right now.
P.S. In addition to missing pieces, another challenge of trading is the fact that most of the books and resources on trading psychology purport the mistaken notion that there is something wrong with YOU.
You're okay, just like you are.
You just need a little REAL help.
Get it by clicking here