Trading Psychology – You Can't Fool Your Subconscious

You can't fool your subconscious.


No way.

No how.

No matter how you might hide it from everyone else, your subconscious always knows – always.

I remember when I first started trading and I'd hit a decent winning spell.  I'd start feeling like I had a good handle on it and was on my way.

But at the time I'd been making largely on luck, much more so than skill.

And every time I'd have a decent run and I'd get feeling a bit cocky, my subconscious will step in and have me hand it back – because I hadn't really earned it.

Sound at all familiar?

One of the things I eventually figured out in the repeating the above cycle was that buying a new trading system doesn't fix this kind of problem.

Neither do ‘trading psychology' tricks, drills or subliminal gimmicks.

You see, I couldn't fool my subconscious.

It knew that I still hadn't acquired and developed the skills to be a truly proficient trader, to deal with the realities of trading.

It's one thing to know what to do.

It is an entirely different matter to know how to do it well.

And at the time, I didn't even really understand what I needed to get good at, besides  of course execution and sticking to my trading system.

That's why I feel for the whole ‘Discipline' fallacy, like most everyone else.

But it's not a matter of discipline, it's about becoming the trader with the skills, know-how, and tools to have the real confidence.

When I discovered and developed the skills to become a real professional, to be good at trading, but with a very conscious competence…

…that's when things changed.

It was when I changed, not just picking up another tool.

When I changed, my subconscious knew it – and finally let me enjoy real success.

Only when I changed what I'd been doing, when I stopped looking for more tools and chose to become a more solid trader…

…only then did my subconscious stop sabotaging my efforts.

I'm sure the same is true for you.

If you want to put an END to self-sabotage in your trading, then doesn't it make sense to get the training that will transform you into the type of trader?

Click here to put an end to your frustrations starting right now

