Trading Services – Personal Assistance Plus Big Savings!

From right now until Monday Night at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, you have the opportunity to get my personal help with your most pressing issue(s) and save some substantial dollars.

I provide different personal services for traders that address different and specific issues – problems that are normally quite difficult to resolve all on your own.

What is your most pressing issue at this time?

Take a look through this list and see which – when addressed – would have the greatest impact on your trading right now.

  • Self-sabotage or other psychological issues.Do you find that you are sabotaging yourself and giving back profits to the markets that you really should be keeping instead?

    Would it be helpful to have someone to talk with to explore WHY this is happening and WHAT you can do to fix the situation?

  • Consistency and / or clarity could be better.Do you know (or at least think) that you have a pretty good trading system, but you find it difficult to trade consistently because it is somewhat vague in parts to where you would have a heck of a time properly documenting it or analyzing it to collect the metrics?

    Would your confidence with it (and your results) be improved if you could have someone critique your trading system and help you get it properly documented for clarity and general soundness?

    For MANY traders, this really is the root of most of their problems – they are trying to trade with an incomplete, unclear or not-well-defined trading system – which makes it really hard to trade!

  • Jumping around from one system to another without progress.Do you find yourself jumping around from one system to another, trying to trade too many markets, or just sort of running around in circles while not making real progress toward the consistent and comfortable trading that you desire deep down?

    Do you feel quite a bit of anxiety when you think ahead to the coming months because you really have no clear idea what to expect from your trading?

    Do you feel like you've been wasting tons of time and money trying different things, and you just want to be able to settle down and FOCUS?

    Would it be helpful to have someone help you filter through all the noise and help you find get that focus, direction and organization that you've been wanting and needing?

These are just a few of the specific areas in which I help traders and I can help you too.

PLUS this weekend only, you can save up 40% off the normal fees for these services!

Here are the services you save on to take your trading to the next level:

  • Two 1-hour phone / Skype consultations with me personally.You're saving yourself tons of time and aggravation by getting on the line with me, because it almost always takes an outside perspective and someone to hold you accountable to address self-sabotage and other ‘psychology' issues.

    Together, we'll identify the root-causes of the problem(s) sources and I'll give you specific action steps you can take to eliminate the problem – for good!

    Normally $500SAVE OVER $200.00!

    Click here for personal consultations with Brian

  • Trading System CritiqueSave yourself the aggravation of inconsistent results from a vague, incomplete or un-documented trading system!

    This sounds like one of the easiest things to do – but doesn't get done by nearly all struggling traders.

    You'll feel 10X more confident after shoring up your trading system by getting it properly documented!

    I'll work with you to make sure that YOUR trading system is sound, clear and repeatable – critical key for consistency!

    Normally $497SAVE $200.00!

    Click here to get your trading system critiqued and tweaked!

  • Establish clear direction and getting organized.The greatest value in personal assistance for new traders often comes from when I help them filter through the myriad of choices to get settled down and focused.

    Just knowing where to focus their efforts and resources and knowing what to say “No” to is absolutely HUGE for lowering stress and getting results.

    If you've even bought a new system / home-study course only to find yourself trying something ‘new' and starting all over again weeks later, then you know what I'm talking about.

    We'll get on the line, I'll ask you key questions and then together we'll lay out an action plan to make sure that your time is most effective and efficient in growing your trading business.

    Normally $497SAVE $200.00!

    Click here to get focused and organized!


“The Trading Turnaround Coach”

P.S.  Even if you aren't looking for direct 1-on-1 help right now, if you are just looking to get in on the Trading P.I.T. Club Training Program to become a true professional traders, this weekend is the time.

The enrollment for the Gold Level Training is going up with $20 on June 2nd, so if you want to save $120.00 on the program, now is the time to get signed up!