This is just a courtesy reminder about the live webinar tomorrow night (Wednesday May 25) that I let you know about a couple days ago. If you hate paying taxes, then make sure you attend! Below is the original email I sent you with the correct link.
Hey william,
If you hate paying taxes, then check this out.
Taxes is one topic that you probably would rather avoid, like most of us.
Heck just keeping up with all the various rules and rule changes can be a pain in the neck.
Like many things in life, it is best to learn how to effectively deal with it, since we can't just wish it away.
Fortunately, 5 years ago, I met a very good guy that specializes in tax accounting for traders and I'd like to introduce you to him.
This Wednesday, May 25th, Jim will be conductint a free webinar covering various topics all specific to you as a trader and how to minimize your taxes.
Click here to register and get the details (no cost)