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Trading Tips: Do You Ever Feel Like The Markets Are Against You?

Do you ever feel like the markets are against you?

Well, if so, then you are not wrong

They are, but not necessarily in the way you think

The markets are all the other people, algorithms and organizations that make up the markets

And all those people, algos and organizations are there to extract money from the other players, just like you

When looking at charts, it’s easy to forget that there IS someone besides your broker on the other side of the screen

As far as stop-sniping and other shenanigans, we’ll leave that for another conversation

But everyone else there is there to win, just like you

So what does this mean?

It means you need to be constantly focusing on upping your game

Because there are plenty of other traders that are

And they are your competition

If you aren’t growing and getting better at this on regular basis, then the game will only get harder

… and while tweaking your strategy or looking into a new one or finding some new mind-hack to help you “stay more disciplined” are all well and good,

… you’ll find the biggest, longest-lasting, and highest impact will come from TRAINING

because real training transforms you into a more capable, more confident and more profitable trader

So what kind of training?

A great place to start is consistency training

We’re NOT talking about psychology here

We’re talking about training that shows you how to take a strategy, your plan to get in and out of the markets, and then be able to execute that strategy hundreds or thousands of times CONSISTENTLY

You see, there’s more to it than simply controlling your emotions and being more disciplined

That’s what I loved about my years in Quality Assurance

Quality is all about taking a process like trading and making it highly consistent

… as a matter of fact, applying Quality to my trading is how I was able to go from a floundering, emotional trader, to calm, confident and consistently profitable

If consistency has been a challenge for you in your trading and you’d like to go to the markets every day with rock-solid confidence, then book a call with me

There are different paths to get there and we’ll sort out which is the best path for you

Whatever you do though, stay in ‘continuous improvement’ mode

Your competition is and you want things to get easier not more difficult, right?


Brian McAboy
“The Consistency Coach”
Host of the “Consistent Profits Podcast
“Focus on consistency first, because when you have consistency, profit is easy”

P.S.  Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you make more money and more consistently with your trading

1.  Grab a free copy of my latest ebook

In it you’ll discover the 3 specific hidden obstacles keeping you from enjoying consistent that you are currently NOT aware of, and what you need to fix the problems so you can get on with consistency and profit in your trading –  click here

2.  Join the “Consistent Profits Club”

Get a massive collection of free trading tools and resources – click here

3.  Check out the “The Science of Consistency Applied to Trading”

This is the recording of a masterclass I did a while back that shows you how to take advantage of the success secret being used in other industries – and how you can use it in your trading to maximize profits and peace of mind – click here

4.  Get my personal help with your trading

If you’re tired of going it alone and you’d like my help with your trading, especially consistency, book a call with me by clicking here