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Trading Tips: How to change your trading experience – for good??

I ran a poll a while back asking my subscribers a couple questions

1.  “How long have you been trading?”

2.  “How happy are you with how your trading is going?”

a.  Miserable.  This sucks
b.  Struggling. Losing money, not a lot, but not making money
c.  Just treading water.  Doesn’t suck, but not great either
d.  Very happy.  Making money every month, loving it

I was a little surprised with the results

1.  Average time in was 4.6 years

2. Only 7.8% of the respondents were actually happy with their trading

Even after having put in the same amount of time most put in for a college degree

Many had also lost about what it costs for a degree too, or more

The stinker is that they were NOT graduating and now moving on to a good paying career, as many do after college

They were stuck still not happy nor making money, and not positioned to have that big step up in their lifestyles

The thing is, time in does NOT necessarily mean that it’s been HELPFUL

For most traders, it’s just more time slipping by like sand through your fingers

Okay, so how do you change your trading experience?

I made a short YouTube video that explains the THREE simple steps to do just that, to change your experience

Click here to find out the three steps to change your trading experience for good

I hope this helps


Brian McAboy
“The Consistency Coach”

P.S.  If you’re tired of struggling alone with your trading and you’d like some help sorting out what’s holding you back, book a call with me