Trading Tips: Is Now Your Time?

A trader’s journey to consistent monthly profits is rarely ever a straight line

There will be periods of advancing, set backs, and coasting

If you’re just plodding along, beating your head on the rock and trying to figure it out all alone with nothing but slaps from the markets for feedback, the advancing can be very slow

…because trading is NOT an activity that lends itself to being figured out

The markets will just keep slapping you and taking your money without ever telling you what you’re doing wrong and what you need to do

And of course, all the scammers and misinformation in the trading space don’t help

Then of course, there are the fears that keep traders hold traders back

– Fear of making getting scammed

– Fear of making a mistake

– Fear of trying something different

These are the fears that keep traders stuck just plodding along and never really making progress

That’s a main reason that many traders go 5, 8, or even 10+ years without ever getting profitable and enjoying trading the way it should be

It’s not that it should necessarily take that long

A great deal of that time is just coasting, doing the same things month after month

In contrast to that, the advancing periods often happen pretty quickly

But it almost always requires some outside help, outside perspectives

Because you can’t see what you can’t see

…and you don’t know what you don’t know

…and again, the markets aren’t going to tell you

It takes outside help

And it is in those moments that you choose to get that outside help that you make change happen

It’s when you choose to experience the rapid advancements, the “Aha!” moments, and boosts of confidence

It all begins with making the choice

So is now your time?

If you’re ready to move your trading forward and transform your trading experience, then I’d be happy to help you determine the best path forward for you

Click here to book a free “Path Forward” call with me

I look forward to helping you get unstuck and making progress toward your trading goals


Brian McAboy
The Consistency Coach