“Do NOT buy that high-priced trading system or course without first asking yourself a few important questions!”
There are some serious questions you should ask yourself before dropping a significant chuck of change on ANYTHING, especially for your trading business.
IF after asking yourself these questions and considering the thoughts I share with you, you decide that you want to move forward, I'm throwing in a special bonus to make sure that you make the most of your investment – and avoid later regret.
I'm sharing these thoughts and questions with you because right now there are two major launches going on, each for a different Forex trading course, and each costs $2,000 in round numbers. That's a significant chunk of pocket change.
The Triad Trading Formula is available now and selling fast
The Forex Time Machine officially launches Monday Sept. 14th
BEFORE you move forward with either of these, ask yourself the following questions:
1. WHY?
Why are you even considering this? Are you seeking learning and growth, or are you simply feeling desperate and this hits on your emotional buttons?
2. Will you follow-through with it, and make it a good investment in yourself?
If you do get this, will you actually take the time to go through the material and put it to use? Or will you only start into it then let it set, while you keep on doing the same things you've been doing?
3. Will making the investment inhibit your ability to trade?
If you're going to be paying for it out of your trading account, can you really afford to take a $2,000 hit?
4. Is the material / strategy / system in-line with what you really want to do in your trading?
Does the system or strategy align well with your chosen direction, or will it have you taking steps backwards, or worse going in a direction that you just plain don't want to go?
For example, I've seen many traders do fine with short or medium term trading, then jump into daytrading just because they think there's more money to be made.
Problem is, they didn't really want to be day traders!
5. Does it make business sense to do this?
Do you really need another home-study course or trading system? Would your time (and money) be better spent simply focusing on what you already have in place?
AFTER you've gone through the questions, now consider these thoughts on both products:
Triad Trading Formula (available now) – I've seen this product and it is sound and of good quality. It includes the 60-30-10 strategy, which I like and I have no hesitation recommending it, plus the Triad group is very good about support.
Forex Time Machine (coming Mon 9/14) – I've reviewed this and it is a well presented and very comprehensive course. Very professional and thorough, but for the advanced trader, I'm not so sure it would be worth the price. For novice and intermediate traders, I'd say that this is worth getting. The Poulos group also is very good about support.
Which to get? Go through their material and get the one that resonates with you and aligns best with the direction you want to take in your trading.
About either one: No new trading system will turn your trading around until you first understand what self-sabotage is about in trading. There are several causes and forms of self-sabotage, plus the ever-present need to keep your emotions well-managed.
That's why I'm including the “4 Forms of Self-Sabotage” video plus the “Trader's Guide to Emotional Management” as bonuses with either the Forex Time Machine or the Triad Trading Formula – should you decide to get either of them after going through the questions on my blog – but you do have to go through MY links.
I consider it my duty to help you make good business decisions in your trading, so that you avoid foreseeable mistakes and heartache, and to help you as much as possible to realize the goals that were your reasons for choosing to become a trader in the first place.
P.S. Remember!!! You have to go through my links to get the bonuses!
Forex Time Machine – register now for chance to win it for free!