My Dad loved boating and one of his favorite jokes is
his definition of a boat:
“A boat is a hole in the water, surrounded by wood or
fiberglass, into which one pours money.”
Another of his favorites goes like this:
Q: “What are the two happiest days of a boat owner’s
A: “The day he buys the boat and the day he sells it.”
Why? Before he even takes it out for the first cruise,
he can already feel the spray on his face, smell the
sea air, see himself out having fun with friends and
family, and enjoying the feeling of freedom from being
out on the water.
But once he gets the boat, he finds that it means a lot
of work to keep the boat up and a lot of money to run it
and maintain it.
Heck, just to take it out for the day used to cost my Dad
over $200 in gas and that was 20 years ago!
Nowadays, it’s more like $400 to $500. When you’re talking
about a vehicle that you measure in gallons-to-the-mile
rather than the other way around, you know it’s expensive.
Sure, the boat provides some entertainment and good
memories, but many boat owners realize that they paid
a high price for those.
Don’t get me wrong. My dad LOVED being on the water
and he was more than willing to work hard and put the
money into it. For him, it was a good arrangement.
What does all this mean to you?
Well if your trading is a ton of work with only an
occasional payoff (not counting the adrenaline rushes)
and a significant portion of your time, is the way
you’ve been going about it producing what you really
want? Is yours a good arrangement, both now and if it
stays like it is for the next umpteen months or years?
Why do I ask? Because you may not be aware of it, but
in trading there are several particular aspects to the
business of trading that give you unique advantages over
any other kind of business (pursuit for profit).
There several reasons why you really should be enjoying
all that you want.
It’s all a matter of going about it the right way –
and that begins with the right perspectives.
To see what I’m specifically referring to, check out
the new video on my homepage at Inside Out Trading
where I share two of them with you.
I’m sure you’ll find it very encouraging! 🙂
P.S. You’ve made a very wise decision to pursue trading
the odds can be very much in your favor, more than you may
realize. See what I’m talking about in the video: