What all the 'trading psychologists' seem to miss that an Engineer sees right away

I have a great deal of respect for the field of psychology and all the professionals that pursue it, BUT

when it comes to trading, I am still amazed at how they all still seem to miss it.

As an Engineer and particularly as a Quality Engineer, where consistent, predictable and optimal performance is the central focus of the whole Quality field, it is quite obvious.

…and it is arguably the single greatest determinant of how easily and effectively you'll deal with all the mental and emotional challenges that trading presents.

You see, it doesn't matter if we're talking about trading or any other skilled occupation, from a business standpoint, the desired goals are still the same:

optimal, consistent and predictable output from the activity.

The Irony in all this is that the whole matter gets over-complicated by nearly everyone when it comes to dealing with the mental and emotional challenges.

There are several factors that influence how well these goals are achieved, but there is one that stands out and is truly in that 20% that determines 80% of your results.

  • Motivation is needed, of course.
  • You also do need a certain amount of discipline, but this is a topic that is blown way out of proportion and given way too much attention and at the expense of the more influential factors.
  • Goals, mantras, and other such tools make their contribution too.

But when it comes to dealing with hesitation, stress, doubt, fear, and of course, anger, and despair, there is one factor that trumps them ALL.

If you want to trade well, trade consistently, and have solid security in your trading, instead of living with only a ‘hopeful anxiety', then there is ONE thing you should focus your efforts on.

Now don't make the mistake of dismissing the simplicity of this.

It works.

In trading it works.

In occupations and businesses of all kinds, this works.

Again, coming from a background of Quality Assurance, an entire industry of designing predictable and desired outcomes, this works, and it works well, and it works quickly.

Best of all, there is a specific process, a methodology for it.

It's called CONFIDENCE.

In business, you gain confidence through process control.

Trading is a process and by getting your trading process under control, you gain that clear, supported and unshakable confidence.

This confidence is what cancels out all the doubt, fear and stress that make sticking to your system so difficult.

This knowing confidence, because you do have yourself and your trading under control, also trumps self-sabotage in a HUGE way.

Now for the $64,000 Question

So how do you apply Process Control to your trading?

Well, think about it.

Your trading system is at the heart of and defines your trading process.

Most of your stress stems from your doubts about your system being able to deliver profitable trades and protect you from losses.

Most of your mistakes happen as a result of ‘not knowing' if your system is going to do what it is supposed to do.

Oh, it's easy to blame the markets, but we both know that you have no control over the markets, so wishing for them to bend to your favor is folly.

You simply MUST be able to trade and count on your system, period.

When you have doubts, when you lack that solid, knowing confidence, all the ‘will power' and discipline tricks are just secondary and are just a bandade that masks the real issue.

There are issues involved in ‘trading psychology' that are Trading-related, and some that are non-trading related.

What we've discussed here today is truly ‘trading-related' and absolutely MUST be attended to before the rest, or the most fundamental problem will remain.

That's why I created the Trading System Mastery training program.

So that you KNOW-HOW to gain control over your trading system in a way that nobody else shows you.

It is so much MORE than a simple ‘trading system development' course.

It combines proven Quality, Trading, and Business practices, that give you the confidence to never trade in fear again.

Take control of your trading by clicking here



“The Trading Turnaround Specialist”