What is your TRUE motivation for trading?

Brian here and I have a few very important questions for
you to ponder over the weekend.

We only get one shot at this life – it’s not a rehearsal,
so take a few minutes to read through this message.

Part 1 – The Initial Questions

Are you trading solely for the money, or deep down do you
truly want to be a trader?

Do you have a passion for trading itself?

If you had all the money you needed to live a comfortable
life and have the things you want, would you still be

If you got a phone call tomorrow that a distant relative
had died and left you a sufficient sum of money such that
you had no more money concerns and you didn’t have to work
either, would you keep trading, or would you quit trading
and pursue your other interests and passions?

If you would keep trading, then go to Part 2.

If you would quit trading, then go to Part 3

Part 2 – You’d keep trading

Okay, so you have a real passion for trading itself, money
motivators aside. That’s excellent because it really is
a great business to be in.

Now the question becomes, Do you trade with a system that
you’re very comfortable with and is producing satisfactory
profits for you?

Also, does the time that trading requires of you have your
life a bit out of balance, where you would prefer to have
more time for your self, your family and other interests?

If trading is taking more of your time than you’d like for
the long term and / or you could use some help with the
entries, exits and timing, then perhaps a good starting
point would be to get daily market analyses on the markets
you trade.

You can get market trend analyses emailed to you from a
reliable source at no charge on a daily basis and for as
many markets as you choose to have on your watchlist by
going here,

If trading really is your passion, get help to become the
best trader you can be, so that it is both fully enjoyable
and profitable for you.

Do let me know how I can help along the way.

Part 3 – Trading Isn’t Your True Passion
Are you trading simply because you want to escape from the
rat race and see trading as the means to achieve the
freedom you so strongly desire?

You always have choices.

Perhaps you have lost your passion for the occupation you
have been doing for the last so many years, and you just
want some freedom from the life of working for someone

A person really should follow their passions and do those
things that are enjoyable and rewarding, not simply for the
end goals. When you find a way to do those things you love
and take care of your money concerns, that’s when you’ve
really achieved success, in my opinion.

The best of all worlds is when you have secured a passive
income that takes care of all your expenses. That’s when
you have true freedom.

If you’d like to find out more about a realistic and
workable plan to get yourself in that exact situation and
in a rather short period of time, then go here


I’ll share something with you that has nothing to do with
trading, but might just let you retire as early this year
with your money concerns taken care of and your time free
to do as you please.


Please don’t take offense to anything in this message.

I only ask the questions and make the recommendations that
I do because life is short and we only get one shot at it.

This isn’t a rehersal.

No matter what is going on at any given point we have
numerous choices and alternatives available to us. We
might as well remain open to them to live our lives to
the fullest while we’re here.

I hope you have a great weekend!



P.S. Even if you’d keep trading, if you know of anyone
else that is ready for a major change and would prefer to
retire early and comfortably, send them to this link
