What To Do If You Feel ‘Unlucky’ In Your Trading

Do you ever feel ‘unlucky’ in your trading?

Almost like the markets enjoy antagonizing you and watching you suffer?

Do you ever get the feeling like your broker is secretly working against you?

Or maybe when it comes to trading, the only luck you have is bad luck?

Well don’t feel bad.  You are NOT alone.

You happen to be in a rather large group that, no offense, you really need to get out of and join a new one.

The group comprised of traders that have chosen to take control of their fates, and no longer let anyone or anything but themselves determine their success.

This is where today’s quote is applicable:

“Shallow men believe in luck.  Strong men believe in cause and effect.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Step #1 to changing your luck is, first of all realize that luck has very little to do with your success.

Trading is a skilled occupation, so luck, gimmicks and shortcuts won’t get you there.

When you gain the correct know-how, success comes naturally.

Succeed by design and on purpose.

Acquire the skills and understandings you need to BE a successful trader!


Brian McAboy
Trading Success Coach

P.S.  Discover a slightly different approach to your trading that results in a BIG improvement…

…without having to change trading systems, brokers, or software.

Simply go to this page to find out,


Life is too short to let another week go by with lackluster (and disappointing) results from your trading.  Act today, make tomorrow better.