What’s Been Missing From Your Trading – And Making Things Difficult

Day before yesterday, we explored how and why beliefs are HUGE when it comes to trading – read that here

Yesterday, we covered one belief in particular that is holding you back right now and keeping you from getting your trading where you want it to be – and that belief is that there is something wrong with you as a person, or as I've had people express it is, “Brian, what I need to fix is ME.”

The thing is, as a person, you're okay.  You've demonstrated that you are sufficiently okay with success, money and discipline to make it, that you already have what it takes, simply by being in a position to trade (if you weren't okay, you wouldn't be here)

The thing is, as a trader, your training was probably lacking something, and that is the primary cause of your struggles today, because if your training was indeed proper and adequate, you wouldn't be reading this right now because you'd already be trading comfortably and consistently

Today we'll look at what's been missing

We're going to get right to the heart of the matter in just a moment, but for right now,

…think back to a time when you messed up a trade, fully aware that you were doing it, but unable to do what you knew was right, and in a timely manner

It wasn't an accident, was it?

You were fully conscious and aware of what was going on, yet it happened anyway, didn't it?

You're about to find out what was really going on and how to fix the problem

If you've ever experienced

  • hesitation (and missing out on some nice profits),
  • chasing trades (and incurring unnecessary and painful losses),
  • getting out early (leaving money on the table)
  • staying in trades longer than you should (again, incurring losses)
  • moving your stops (and creating all sorts of problems)
  • in any way deviating from your rules,

…then you need to understand that these are SYMPTOMS

… and you also need to understand that a “being more disciplined” is NOT the cure

In order to ever truly and permanently be free of these issues, to trade with poise and confidence, you have to address what's causing them to occur in the first place

Here's what I'm talking about

There are two things at work in those moments when you just can't pull the trigger when you're supposed to (or the other things we listed above)

A minute ago, I said to think back to a time when you messed up a trade, and you were aware of what you were doing

In that moment when you were struggling to do what you're supposed to, did you feel 100% confident?

Or did you have some anxiety, doubt and perhaps fear, maybe a replay of a previous trade-gone-south also running through your head?

Regardless of what was going through your head, you were in an emotional state that just wasn't going to let your better judgement prevail, true?

Again, there were two things working against you in that moment

The first isn't a lack of discipline, but a lack of confidence

If you WERE 100% confident in your system and yourself, all those doubts and fears wouldn't be present, would they?

The second thing working on you is your subconscious

It is in those moments that your subconscious is sabotaging you

Where do you think the fear, doubt and anxiety comes from?

Your subconscious!

Your subconscious is letting you know that something is amiss, that something is wrong

The thing is, you can't beat your subconscious, not for any length of time

So the question then becomes, WHY?

Why would your subconscious sabotage your efforts when you consciously know what you want?

Well, your subconscious is that part of you that knows the truth about you as a trader and what you have going on

If you started trading live before you were properly and adequately trained, it knows this

If you are working with a system in which you are less than 100% confident, it knows this

If you are trading with a system that has flaws, gaps or deficiencies, and you don't know how to recognize them and/or know how to fix them, your subconscious knows this

In general, if you and/or your system have any issues whatsoever, your subconscious knows this

And it won't allow you to have any level of success that isn't congruent with what it deems you deserve

Until you become the trader that deserves success, your subconscious will not let you have it

Until you DO address any deficiencies, your subconscious will continue to sabotage you – forever

So what can you do?

Well, first of all recognize that yes, your training to be a trader was missing something

If your training had been complete and proper, you would be that trader that deserves success and you'd be enjoying it now

What you've been missing

Several years ago, while helping traders work through various issues, I made a few discoveries

These were good people, sincere and intelligent

But they all had trading systems that were lacking in one respect or another, just in the way they were formulated and documented

Their systems had issues of which they weren't even aware

They blamed themselves for the difficulties they were having and never once thought to question their system

And when we went through their systems and got them fixed, this was a HUGE relief from anxiety and stress

The next thing we did was to properly test and analyze their systems, so that they could KNOW going to the markets that they could count on their system to perform

They also now finally had a realistic baseline and expectations for their system, so they didn't freak out if they hit a handful of losses

They also finally were able to have the rock-solid confidence that they'd wanted for so long, in their system and in themselves trading it

I also taught them how to make changes to their system in a calculated, organized and business-like manner, so when things change (as often happens), they would know how to adapt, but not in the try-and-see way

I didn't want them to do like most traders, where when things aren't working as expect, to react out of panic, making a bunch of changes, but soon having still poor results, but now not knowing which changes helped and which didn't

Lastly, I taught them how to monitor and use their metrics to keep things running well – which key metrics to on which to focus, and how to read them, so that they'd know when to trust them, when to challenge the numbers

And I didn't stop there

Because I knew that if they were to be fully self-sufficient and truly independent traders, they had to know how to do these things for themselves, not depending on me

So I organized a specific training program so based on coaching dozens of traders and refined it over an 18 month period

This skill set is absolutely critical for you as a trader, because you simply MUST know when you go to the markets,

…that your system is 100% solid, proper and reliable

…that it is assembled in a manner that lends itself to being traded comfortably and consistently, even in the dynamic and highly uncertain markets

… that it can realistically and reasonably be expected to perform as intended

… that you can count on it to deliver, and you can have that unshakable confidence that you need to stick to it

… when things change as they often do, that you can properly adapt and keep your edge

And this works – Success Stories

Here's Adrian's story,

“I have been trading for just over a year and had really been struggling with hesitancy and fear with taking trades.

I had read all the trading books on the mental aspects of trading and whilst they are good books they have not helped me over this problem.

With your help though, I have seen a dramatic and measured improvement and feel much more confident, relaxed and able to pull the trigger when I need to than before.

You have given me the tools that have enabled me to keep these emotions under control and to be consistent in my trading.”

Adrian Frakes, Individual Trader
London, England

Here's Edmore's story,

“My greatest reservation in joining the Trading System Accelerated Coaching (TSAC) was the lack of trust of Gurus. I had been stung several times before, buying a lot of junk that never lived up to the promise.

As a result of clearly defining the system I have more patience and confidence to wait for my setups as I now know the system’s performance if executed efficiently.

After enrolling to the TSAC, I would say that I wish had found Brian 7 years ago as it would have saved me money wasted on chasing the Holy Grail as well as the emotional damage from going in circles without achieving anything.”

– Edmore Moses, Individual Trader
Dublin, Ireland

And Brett's

Brett was a typical client of mine.  He had a system that he’d developed and felt pretty good about, but he hadn’t had a profitable month in years.

He’d managed to get to where he could maintain almost breakeven, but that was it.

He was pretty sure he had a good system, he just couldn’t seem to trade it the way he should, so he got this training.

Once we went through this training, got his system cleaned up and made proper, then tested it, he found that he really DID have a very solid system, one with a monthly profit potential of nearly $9,000.

So once he got his issues with the system resolved, he realized that his fears were now calmed down and he was MUCH more relaxed and able to simply trade his system the way he had it documented.

He also realized that even on a really BAD month, he could still expect to make $2,000 to $3,000 – because his issues with his system were a thing of the past.

When we started the training, he stated his primary goal with the training to be simply to regain his confidence.

When he began the training, he was at a “2”.

By the end of it he rated himself at a “9”.

So what is the program and how does it work?

The program is called Trading System Mastery and it consists of 3 modules which are available 24/7 via online videos

This is in-depth how to do all the things that we were just talking about with your trading so you just absolutely know and your level of confidence and your level of certainty that you're good. Again, where you know, going on the market, that you're okay, and it's cool because you can go through everything, if you want to, in less than five hours.

That's the video training, but this is as an implementation program, not just a book, it's not just information. This is an implementation program, so it's going to be lots of you doing. You can get through and have a look at everything in less than five hours.

Module 1 is how to define and document your trading process so that it's easily repeatable. That's the main thing. It needs to be easy to repeat and execute consistently and repeatably. The way it's defined and documented goes a long way toward making that happen. Like I said before, if you don’t get this part right, all your other efforts will be in vain – you simply MUST have this foundation for consistent trading

The modules include key insights and tricks of the trade from my years as quality assurance engineer and quality manager and working with other businesses, working with traders for over 11 years, so you're getting a lot of really excellent, useful information that you just probably won't find elsewhere and it'll take years to figure out on your own.

In Module 2 you get a precise measure of how good your trading system is to the dollar so that you will understand the numbers, how to test, how to read the numbers so that it's all meaningful and useful and you're really going in your trading with a very realistic baseline with which to trade. You also maximize your system's profitability, always moving forward by having a way to do so in an organized, calculated and very business-like manner, no guess work, no hoping, no trial and error stuff.

Of course, Module 3 where we ensure your continued success, monitoring and adapting in an organized, calculated fashion

You also get some killer bonuses with the program,

Bonus #1


Now, you may be thinking “Brian, the program is all well and good, but I'm just dealing with a lot of just plain emotional issues. I've got a handle on things, but these are psychological issues and I'm dealing with my emotions.”

In order to help you with that, I created this guide. This specifically covers over 50 different trader mistakes, gives you in-depth understanding about the psychology of trading, psychology in general, the 50 mistakes that traders make, and specific actions to take for each of the mistakes, along with the trader's emotional toolkit.

This really is a very condensed but complete “emotional intelligence for traders” to help you deal with the purely psychological stuff in addition to the hard side stuff that the course covers, the process control for trading.

Bonus #2


The second bonus I've got for you, to help you with your metrics to keep it simple and mentally manageable so you don't get overwhelmed, created the trading performance analyzer, which includes the profit potential calculator.

This gives you analysis tools for your regular trading and also a way to track your trading over the course of 12 months and keep all your metrics really nice and organized and, again, meaningful and useful for you so that you're always doing better and keeping a solid handle on what you got.

Bonus #3


Another thing, again, you might be thinking “For me, Brian, I think a lot of it's just self-sabotage.” A good portion of it is.

Again, going back to how you are as a trader right now, if you're not the trader you need to be right now, okay, yes, your subconscious is going to be sabotaging you to keep you from succeeding.

This video helps you understand where that self-sabotage is coming from and how to address this self-sabotage part, in addition to the training that you get and the changes that you go through in the training.

Bonus #4


You may be saying, “Brian, I've looked at canned systems, but I really like to come up with something on my own, or I want to be able to look at another system and know that it's complete and everything.”

This video is about the 10 essential components of a high probability winning trading system, so that you know, when you're looking at it, this is your checklist, you need to have this, this and this, and if it doesn’t, “Okay, here's how I can fix that.” That's really cool, too.

Bonus #5


The fifth bonus, maybe you're thinking “Brian, all this stuff to do with the systems are all well and good, but I'm just having a hard time getting organized just in general, as a trader.” You got a higher level, the owner of the business kind of issues you're dealing with.

The other bonus that I've got for you here is the first month's free in the Trading P.I.T. Club (professionals-in-training) course that I created, and it's a six month program, and the first part of it, the first four lessons, the first month, all deal with those foundational, getting your thought processes organized, getting some clarity and organization to your operation in general, helping you think through that process.

Again, these are foundation exercises for your trading business on this level that you are the manager and owner of the business.

If you like it and you want to continue through the rest of the course, that's fine. It's $99 a month. If you don't want to continue, just let me know and you get the first month free and nothing after that, and that's fine. This will help you get yourself organized on that mode again, as the owner and manager of your trading business. Really solid.

If you want to go through the whole program, it's great for getting your trading business organized and focused and planned out, and, yes, you do come out of it with an actual working business plan, so that's cool. I'm including these bonuses to help you attend to these other things.

Not Available to the General Public

Understand something, this is not available to the general public, this Trading System Mastery program.

– Enrollment right now is closed to the general public.

This is the only place that you can get this. Nobody else teaches this. I created it. It's all my baby, and this is the only place you can get it.

This is your only way in. Even on my site, you won't find it there.

This is your only window of opportunity as well.

This is not opened on a general, day-to-day basis, you need to do this today. Right now would be the time to do it, obviously.

NOT Getting Married

Get started right now. Here’s why. We're not getting married. This is not a lifetime commitment.

All you really need to do is take a look at it. Again, I told you, in less than five hours you can look at the entire program. That's all the videos from the core of the course. Before the day's out you can have a look at the whole thing. It's not going to take, again, 50 hours of DVD's. You're going to have really good, solid look at it in very short order.

If it's not a good fit, you just say so and you get a refund, because I do back everything that I do.  This is backed with my 60-Day “Peace of Mind”, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I've been doing this for 11 years, I know that it works, but if for some reason you're not comfortable, just let me know. You don't like anything, you don’t like my voice or whatever, let me know and you get your money back.

Again, it's not a lifetime commitment. You can know within an hour if you don’t like it or not.

Here's the thing – you want your trading to produce, you want consistency. This is an easy decision. This process works. Again, I'm an engineer. I’m in Quality, if it doesn't work, it doesn't count with me. So I know that it works and I've been doing this for years, I've worked and I've done this with hundreds of other traders. It works. The results are solid. This is an easy decision.

How Much Is It?

Since we are starting the Memorial Day holiday weekend, you can get a massive discount – but you have to act quickly!

For today and tomorrow, you save get 40% off the normal $497 fee for the course, so you SAVE $200 when you act right now

Use the coupon code   MEMDAY40

Sunday, the discount drops to 30%

Monday the discount drops to 20%


Get Started Now – Pay for it Later Out of Your Profits

I use PayPal for my processing, and if you like, you can take advantage of PayPal Credit.

It’s no payments, no interest if you pay it within 6 months

Get the course now, pay for it later out of your profits

You truly have ZERO exposure to risk here!



Brian McAboy
The Trading Consistency Coach



As you know, trading involves significant financial risk. Nothing presented here or in the above referenced event is intended to induce anyone to initiate any investment or trade, nor are any promises made regarding profits or loss.  Your trading is entirely your responsibility