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Which of these two paths will your trading future follow?

right-wrong-forkYou CAN see the future, your future.

It's fairly simple really.

Your future as a trader will generally follow one of two paths.

The one you've been on

It's likely the same path take by the vast majority of traders, the “Do-It-Yourself” path of going it largely alone and figuring it out as you go.

This is the path that is also lined with scammers, unscrupulous brokers and pure marketers that have never placed a single trade, all looking to rip you off.

This path is usually filled with continued frustration, disappointment, confusion and frequent self-sabotage.

Then there's the more sensible path

The path less-taken, where you truly treat your trading as a business

Where you wind up where you want to be, and in a reasonable period of time (not 5 to 10 years)

Where you're not an easy target for all the scumbags

Where you consciously take specific steps in the direction of your goals.

What's NOT the new path:

Getting a new trading system.  That's still the old path of pursuing OLD solutions that don't address the underlying root issues.

Focusing on “being more disciplined”.  Again, old path, old solutions, NOT fixing the real problem.

If you want to get off the old path, the first thing you must do is DECIDE

DECIDE to do things differently, to choose a path different from the one you've been traveling.

To find out what the sensible path looks like and how to get on it,

Click here

