Why Traders Intentionally Make Mistakes – Video

“To err is human” and we all make mistakes, but there
are times when traders will intentionally and knowingly
make mistakes that cost them money.

So the question is WHY?

Why would you knowingly do something that is completely
against your goal of making money?

I explore this question in a free video that you can
watch on YouTube here


or if you'd prefer a better quality version of the video,
go here:


Isn't it important to understand what influences your
actions, particularly those that can hurt your trading

I hope you find this helpful in your pursuit of profits!



P.S. Even if you've seen this video before, it's worth a look
again just in case the cause is affecting you…


P.P.S. If you like the video, check out the others that I've
made and share them with your friends. You're also welcome to
subscribe to the videos. Just click the “Subscribe” button
on the YouTube page.