Seriously, here's why you should stop trading.
If your trading has NOT been profitable
If it has been stressful, emotional
If it has been unfocused
If you jump from system to system
If you've been regularly chasing trades
If you've been making the same mistakes over and over again
If your trading just plain isn't and hasn't been going the way you want it to
…but you keep trading
You're only reinforcing counterproductive behavior patterns
You're only reinforcing your self-doubt
You're only practicing bad and undesirable trading
Besides, you're also probably only going further in the WRONG direction profit & loss-wise
Take a break
Fix what's not working
Only once you have it fixed should you then consider going back to trading with real money
If you find that you can't take a break, even though it's not working, then that tells you that you have another problem to deal with
Don't just continue to beat your head on that rock and continue to bleed
That is the course of action that leads all too many traders to their financial death
Step One is to stop the bleeding
Step Two is to fix the problem(s)
Step Three is to come back to live trading and actually get what you want
* * *
I know this just sounds like common sense, but you'd be amazed with the realities. Most people come to me for help and they've been losing money for years, fighting the same problems month-in and month-out. Good people, just stuck and don't know what to do.
Discover how to become a confident, consistent and profitable trader in just 60 days, even if you've never had a winning month, then click here –>