You Are One Whether You Realize It Or Not, And You Have The Same Problems they do

You are one whether you realize it or not, and you have the same problems they do.

  • Stress
  • Overwhelm
  • Long hours
  • Disappointment with the bottom line

And when they are completely honest and open about it,

  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Embarrassment
  • Anger
  • Sometimes even despair

Who am I talking about?

Small business owners that have been working their tails off for quite a long time and their business is still quite far from where they want it to be.

Again, whether you realize it or not, as a self-directed independent trader, you are a small business owner.

And like nearly every other self-employed professional, you've come to learn that there is more to it than just “doing the thing of the business”.

Only when you get to where you are truly working “on your business” and not just “in it”, will you finally start gaining control and actually getting ahead.

You see, for years now, in addition to helping traders overcome their issues, I've also been helping small business owners get their businesses running right.

There are two primary roles you have being a trader:

1.  You are the owner and manager of your trading business

2.  You are the trader doing the work of the business on a daily basis

Now understanding HOW to be the owner and what that involves is what I am here to help you with.

Today's message is to show you the first step to gain the right mental perspective to get your trading under control and start gaining traction.

Tomorrow, I'll share with you a very powerful lesson from another industry in which you are involved at least a little bit as a trader.